The synthesizable example design requires both Vivado® and Vitis™ tools.
The first step is to run synthesis, implementation and bitstream generation in Vivado. After all those steps are done, select .
In the window, select Include bitstream, select an export directory and click OK.
The remaining work is performed in the Vitis tool. The Warp processor example design file can be found in the following Vitis directory: /data/embeddedsw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/ drivers/v_warp_filter/examples/
The example application design source files (contained within examples folder) are tightly coupled with the example design available in Vivado IP catalog.
Later, perform the following steps to run the software application:
The example design test results are shown in terminal program.
When executed on the board, the operations are listed in readme.txt in the examples folder. The video input tested are 1080p and 720p.