The AXI4-Lite interface allows you to dynamically control the parameters within the core. The configuration can be accomplished using an AXI4-Lite master state machine or an embedded Arm® or soft system processor such as the MicroBlaze™ processor. The Warp Processor can be controlled through the AXI4-Lite interface using the driver functions provided in the Vitis™ software platform. To understand how to create a Vitis Application Project and how to use driver APIs, refer to Example Design and Application Software Development. The following table shows the AXI4-Lite control interface signals.
This interface runs at the ap_clk
Signal Name | I/O | Width | Description |
s_axi_ctrl_aresetn | I | 1 | Reset |
s_axi_ctrl_aclk | I | 1 | Clock |
s_axi_ctrl_awaddr | I | 18 | Write Address |
s_axi_ctrl_awprot | I | 3 | Write Address Protection |
s_axi_ctrl_awvalid | I | 1 | Write Address Valid |
s_axi_ctrl_awready | O | 1 | Write Address Ready |
s_axi_ctrl_wdata | I | 32 | Write Data |
s_axi_ctrl_wstrb | I | 4 | Write Data Strobe |
s_axi_ctrl_wvalid | I | 1 | Write Data Valid |
s_axi_ctrl_wready | O | 1 | Write Data Ready |
s_axi_ctr_bresp | O | 2 | Write Response |
s_axi_ctrl_bvalid | O | 1 | Write Response Valid |
s_axi_ctrl_bready | I | 1 | Write Response Ready |
s_axi_ctrl_araddr | I | 18 | Read Address |
s_axi_ctrl_arprot | I | 3 | Read Address Protection |
s_axi_ctrl_arvalid | I | 1 | Read Address Valid |
s_axi_ctrl_aready | O | 1 | Read Address Ready |
s_axi_ctrl_rdata | O | 32 | Read Data |
s_axi_ctrl_rresp | O | 2 | Read Data Response |
s_axi_ctrl_rvalid | O | 1 | Read Data Valid |
s_axi_ctrl_rready | 1 | 1 | Read Data Ready |