Using Gadgets - 2024.2 English - UG893

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using the Vivado IDE (UG893)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

You can click the Add Gadget button to open the Configure Gadget dialog box (shown in the following figure), which allows you to create a gadget that shows customized data for your runs. In the Configure Gadget dialog box, set the following options, and click OK to add the gadget to your Dashboard.

Note: You can also open the Configure Gadget dialog box using the Edit button in the gadget header.
Specify a name to identify the gadget for use in running Tcl commands.
Select the report type to use to generate the gadget data (for example, Timing).
Run Type
Select either the Synthesis or Implementation run.
If you are analyzing an Implementation run, select an implementation stage (for example, Place), or select All Stages. If you are analyzing a Synthesis run, only one stage is available.
View Type
Set the gadget to display as a graph or as a table. You can change the display after adding the gadget using the Graph/Table toolbar button / in the gadget header.
Select a Vertical or Horizontal orientation for the graph.
Note: This is not available for tables.
Select reports from one or more runs to display related data for your gadget.
Select the statistics to display in the gadget. The available statistics are based on the selected reports.
Hide Unused Data
Select this option to hide statistics entries that contain no data. To display all statistics, deselect this option.

To customize the gadget layout:

  • To move a gadget, click and drag the gadget to any location in the Dashboard.
  • To widen or narrow the gadget along with all gadgets in the selected column, click and drag the edge of the gadget.
  • To view or hide data in the Dashboard, use the Maximize or Collapse toolbar button in the gadget header.
Figure 1. Configure Gadget Dialog Box