Specifying Tool Settings - 2024.2 English - UG893

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using the Vivado IDE (UG893)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

You can use the Settings dialog box to specify both Project Settings and Tool Settings. Use the Project Settings to configure general, simulation, elaboration, synthesis, implementation, bitstream, and IP settings as described in Configuring Project Settings. Use the Tools Settings to configure the default behaviors in the Vivado IDE as described in the following sections.

To open the dialog box, select Tools > Settings. The dialog box changes based on the category you select in the left pane. For example, the following figure shows the Settings dialog box with the Project category selected under the Tools Settings.

Tip: When entering or modifying data in a text box, if a value is used and editable, the text is black and the background is white. If a value is used but not editable, the text is black and the background is gray. If a value is unused or not applicable, the text is gray, including the label that precedes or follows it.
Figure 1. Settings Dialog Box—Tool Settings Project Category