Device Window Toolbar Commands - 2024.2 English - UG893

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using the Vivado IDE (UG893)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

The local toolbar contains the following commands:

Resets the Device window to display the prior zoom and coordinates.
Returns the Device window to display the original zoom and coordinates after the Previous toolbar button is used.
Zoom In
Zooms in the Device window.
Zoom Out
Zooms out the Device window.
Zoom Fit
Zooms out to fit the whole device into the display area of the Device window.
Select Area
Selects the objects in the specified rectangular area.
Autofit Selection
Automatically redraws the Device window around newly selected objects. This mode can be enabled or disabled.
Routing Resources
Displays routing resources in the Device window.
Draw Pblock
Places the cursor in Draw Pblock mode (crosshair) allowing you to create a new Pblock rectangle to place cells.
Cell Drag & Drop Modes
Specifies how cells placed onto the device are assigned placement constraints. The button displayed reflects the currently selected mode:
Create BEL Constraint Mode
Assigns a LOC and BEL constraint to the cell being placed. This fixes the cell to the specified BEL within the slice.
Create Site Constraint Mode
Assigns a LOC placement constraint to the cell being placed. This fixes the cell to the specified slice but allows the cell to use any available BELs within the slice.
Assign Cell to Pblock Mode
Assigns logic cells to Pblocks. This allows the implementation tools the most flexibility and is the default mode.
Show Cell Connections
Shows the connectivity for selected objects based on the following settings.
Show Input Connections
Shows the input connections for selected cells.
Show Output Connections
Shows the output connections for selected cells.
Max Cell Count
Limits the number of connections that are shown to improve drawing performance. You can increase this value to visualize cells with a large number of connections, but AMD recommends a setting of 1000 or less for optimal graphics display.
Controls the display of information in the window. For details, see Specifying Device Window Settings.