Warm Restart - 2024.2 English - UG1137

Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Software Developer Guide (UG1137)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

The Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC is a highly complex piece of silicon, capable of running multiple subsystems on the chip simultaneously. As such, Zynq UltraScale+ supports various types of reset. This varies from the simplest system reset to the much more complicated subsystem restart. In any system or subsystem that has a processor component and a programmable logic component, reset must entail both reset to the hardware as well as software. Reset to the hardware includes the following:

  • Resetting of the processor and all peripherals associated with the system/subsystem
  • Cleaning up of the memory as needed
  • Making sure that the interconnect is in a clean state that is capable of routing traffic.

Reset to the software results in the processor starting from the reset vector. However, designer must make sure that a valid and clean code for the system/subsystem is located at the reset vector to bring the system back to a clean running state.

Resets for Zynq UltraScale+ are broadly divided into two categories. They are:

  • Full system resets
  • Subsystem restarts

Full system resets include the following:

  • Power-On-Reset (POR)
  • System-reset
  • PS-only-reset

Subsystem restarts include APU subsystems and RPU subsystem restarts.

Full system resets are quite straight forward. Hardware is brought back to the reset state and software starts executing ROM code, with a minor behavior difference between the reset types. There are subtleties to PS-only reset which will be discussed in later sections.

Subsystem restart is more complicated. A subsystem in Zynq UltraScale+ is composed of all the components of a particular operating system. The following figure shows both Vivado's view of the PS as well as example subsystems as defined by the OS. The default IP configuration menu in Vivado provides a flattened view, consisting of all available PS components. In the example, these components are partitioned into three separate subsystems, each running an independent operating system. Each subsystem consists of a processor, list of peripherals and memory. The example shows the following subsystems:

  • RPU based subsystem running uC/OS-II
  • RPU based subsystem running FreeRTOS
  • APU based subsystem running Linux

Subsystems can be configured in the Isolation Configuration view that is inside the Vivado PCW (PS Configuration Wizard), when the Advanced Mode check box is enabled.

Figure 1. Vivado IP Configuration Menu

During subsystem restart, the entire subsystem is restarted from a clean state without affecting the running of the other active subsystems defined in MPSoC. For example, during an APU subsystem restart, an APU subsystem running Linux is restarted as far back as FSBL, while the RPU subsystem running FreeRTOS and uC/OS-II continues to function undisturbed. Similarly for a RPU subsystem restart, an APU subsystem continues to function undisturbed.

Subsystem restarts are managed by the platform management unit (PMU). To restart each subsystem, PMU must first ensure that all on-going AXI-transactions are terminated and that no new transactions are issued. In the subsystems shown in the following figure, the interconnects that connects the components of the subsystem, are not explicitly shown. However, each subsystem includes multiple interconnects and the same interconnects are used by all three subsystems. If the PMU firmware resets all the components in a subsystem while leaving unfinished transactions in the interconnect, the AXI master and slave might both be in the reset state. However, the unfinished AXI transactions will remain in the interconnect, thus blocking all subsequent traffic. Stuck transactions in the interconnect causes the system to freeze as these connections are shared. It is therefore imperative that the PMU ensures all transactions are completely finished before resetting each and every components in the subsystem, including the processor.

Figure 2. Subsystem Components for Various Operating Systems

Before releasing the processor from reset, the PMU must ensure that the code in the reset vector will result in a clean system restart. In the case of the RPU subsystem running standalone applications, this means either loading a clean copy of the application elf or making sure that the application code is re-entrant. In the case of the APU subsystem running Linux, this means starting from a re-entrant copy of FSBL.

Note: The on-chip memory (OCM) module contains 256 KB of RAM starting at 0xFFFC0000. The OCM is mainly used by the FSBL and TF-A components. The FSBL uses the OCM region from 0xFFFC0000 to 0xFFFE9FFF. The last 512B of this region is used by the FSBL to share the handoff parameters corresponding to applications that the TF-A hands off. The TF-A uses the rest of the OCM for example from 0xFFFEA000 to 0xFFFFFFFF.

The current implementation of a warm reset requires the FSBL to be in the OCM to support the PMU firmware hand off to (already existing) the FSBL without actually restarting. Hence, the OCM is completely used and no other application is allowed to use it when a warm restart is enabled.