Get API Version
Get the API version.
$ echo pm_get_api_version > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Request Suspend
Request another PU to suspend itself.
$ echo pm_request_suspend <node> > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Self Suspend
Notify PMU that this PU is about to suspend itself.
$ echo pm_self_suspend <node> > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Force Power Down
Force another PU to power down.
$ echo pm_force_powerdown <node> > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Abort Suspend
Notify PMU that the attempt to suspend has been aborted.
$ echo pm_abort_suspend > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Request Wake-up
Request another PU to wake up from suspend state.
$ echo pm_request_wakeup <node> <set_address> <address> > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Set Wake-up Source
Set up a node as the wake-up source.
$ echo pm_set_wakeup_source <target> <wkup_node> <enable> > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Request Node
Request to use a node.
$ echo pm_request_node <node> > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Release Node
Free a node that is no longer being used.
$ echo pm_release_node <node> > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Set Requirement
Set the power requirement on the node.
$ echo pm_set_requirement <node> <capabilities> > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Set Max Latency
Set the maximum wake-up latency requirement for a node.
$ echo pm_set_max_latency <node> <latency> > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Get Node Status
Get status information of a node. (Any PU can check the status of any node, regardless of the node assignment.)
$ echo pm_get_node_status <node> > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Get Operating Characteristic
Get operating characteristic information of a node.
$ echo pm_get_operating_characteristic <node> > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Reset Assert
Assert/de-assert on specific reset lines.
$ echo pm_reset_assert <reset> <action> > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Reset Get Status
Get the status of the reset line.
$ echo pm_reset_get_status <reset> > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Get Chip ID
Get the chip ID.
$ echo pm_get_chipid > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Get Pin Control Functions
Get current selected function for given pin.
$ echo pm_pinctrl_get_function <pin-number> > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Set Pin Control Functions
Set requested function for given pin.
$ echo pm_pinctrl_set_function <pin-number> <function-id> > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Get Configuration Parameters for the Pin
Get value of requested configuration parameter for given pin.
$ echo pm_pinctrl_config_param_get <pin-number> <parameter to get> > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Set Configuration Parameters for the Pin
Set value of requested configuration parameter for given pin.
$ echo pm_pinctrl_config_param_set <pin-number> <parameter to set> <param value> > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Control Device and Configurations
Control device and configurations and get configurations values.
$ echo pm_ioctl <node id> <ioctl id> <arg1> <arg2> > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
IOCTL_ID | Name | Description |
0 | IOCTL_GET_RPU_OPER_MODE | returns current RPU operating mode (lockstep/split). |
1 | IOCTL_SET_RPU_OPER_MODE | configures RPU operating mode (lockstep/split). |
2 | IOCTL_RPU_BOOT_ADDR_CONFIG | configures RPU boot address |
3 | IOCTL_TCM_COMB_CONFIG | configures TCM to be in split mode or combined mode |
4 | IOCTL_SET_TAPDELAY_BYPASS | enable/disable tap delay bypass |
5 | IOCTL_SET_SGMII_MODE | enable/disable SGMII mode for the GEM device |
6 | IOCTL_SD_DLL_RESET | resets DLL logic for the SD device |
7 | IOCTL_SET_SD_TAPDELAY | sets input/output tap delay for the SD device |
8 | IOCTL_SET_PLL_FRAC_MODE | sets PLL mode |
9 | IOCTL_GET_PLL_FRAC_MODE | returns current PLL mode |
10 | IOCTL_SET_PLL_FRAC_DATA | sets PLL fraction data |
11 | IOCTL_GET_PLL_FRAC_DATA | returns PLL fraction data value |
12 | IOCTL_WRITE_GGS | writes value to GGS register |
13 | IOCTL_READ_GGS | returns GGS register value |
14 | IOCTL_WRITE_PGGS | writes value to PGGS register |
15 | IOCTL_READ_PGGS | returns PGGS register value |
16 | IOCTL_ULPI_RESET | performs the ULPI reset sequence for resetting the ULPI transceiver |
17 | IOCTL_SET_BOOT_HEALTH_STATUS | sets healthy bit value to indicate boot health status to firmware. |
18 | IOCTL_AFI | writes the afi values at given index |
IOCTL_ ID | Name | Description | Arguments | |||
Node_ID | Arg1 | Arg2 | Return Value | |||
0 | IOCTL_GET_RPU_OPER_MODE | returns current RPU operating mode (lockstep/split) | unused | unused | unused | Operating mode
1 | IOCTL_SET_RPU_OPER_MODE | configures RPU operating mode (lockstep/split) | unused | Value of operating mode
unused | unused |
2 | IOCTL_RPU_BOOT_AD DR_CONFIG | configures RPU boot address | NODE_RPU_0 NODE_RPU_1 | Value to set for boot address
unused | unused |
3 | IOCTL_TCM_COMB_C ONFIG | configures TCM to be in split mode or combined mode | unused | Value to set (Split/Combined)
unused | unused |
4 | IOCTL_SET_TAPDELAY_BYPASS | enables/ disables tap delay bypass | unused | Type of tap delay
Tap-delay Enable/ Disable
unused |
5 | IOCTL_SET_SGMII_MODE | enables/ disables SGMII mode for the GEM device | NODE_ETH_0, NODE_ETH_1, NODE_ETH_2, NODE_ETH_3 | "GMII mode Enable/ Disable
unused | unused |
6 | IOCTL_SD_DLL_RESET | resets DLL logic for the SD device | NODE_SD_0, NODE_SD_1 | SD DLL Reset type
unused | unused |
7 | IOCTL_SET_SD_TAPDE LAY | sets input/ output tap delay for the SD device | NODE_SD_0, NODE_SD_1 | Type of tap delay to set
Value to set for the tap delay | unused |
8 | IOCTL_SET_PLL_FRAC_ MODE | sets PLL mode | unused | PLL clock ID | PLL Mode
unused |
9 | IOCTL_GET_PLL_FRAC_ MODE | returns current PLL mode | unused | PLL clock ID | unused | PLL Mode
10 | IOCTL_SET_PLL_FRAC_ DATA | sets PLL fraction data | unused | PLL clock ID | PLL fraction data | unused |
11 | IOCTL_GET_PLL_FRAC_ DATA | returns PLL fraction data value | unused | PLL clock ID | unused | PLL fraction data |
12 | IOCTL_WRITE_GGS | writes value to GGS register | unused | GGS register index (0/1/2/3) | Register value to be written | unused |
13 | IOCTL_READ_GGS | returns GGS register value | unused | GGS register index (0/1/2/3) | unused | Register value |
14 | IOCTL_WRITE_PGGS | writes value to PGGS register | unused | PGGS register index (0/1/2/3) | Register value to be written | unused |
returns PGGS register value |
unused | PGGS register index (0/1/2/3) | unused | Register value |
16 | IOCTL_ULPI_RESET | performs the ULPI reset sequence for resetting the ULPI transceiver | unused | unused | unused | unused |
17 | IOCTL_SET_BOOT_HEA LTH_STATUS | sets healthy bit value to indicate boot health status to firmware | unused | healthy bit value | unused | unused |
18 | IOCTL_AFI | writes the afi values at given index | unused | AFI register index (0 to 15) | Register value to be written | unused |
Query Data
Request data from firmware.
$ echo pm_query_data <query id> <arg1> <arg2> <arg3> > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Enable Clock
Enable the clock for a given clock node_id.
$ echo pm_clock_enable <clock id> > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Disable Clock
Disable the clock for a given clock node_id.
$ echo pm_clock_disable <clock id> > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Get Clock State
Get the state of clock for a given clock node_id.
$ echo pm_clock_getstate <clock id> > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Set Clock Divider
Set the divider value of clock for a given clock node id.
$ echo pm_clock_setdivider <clock id> <divider value> > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Get Clock Divider
Get the divider value of clock for a given clock node_id.
$ echo pm_clock_getdivider <clock id> > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Set Clock Rate
Set the clock rate for a given clock node_id.
$ echo pm_clock_setrate <clock id> <clock rate> > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Get Clock Rate
Get the clock rate for a given clock node_id.
$ echo pm_clock_getrate <clock id> > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Set Clock Parent
Set the parent clock for a given clock node_id.
$ echo pm_clock_setparent <clock id> <parent clock id> > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm
Get Clock Parent
Get the parent clock for a given clock node id.
$ echo pm_clock_getparent <clock id> > /sys/kernel/debug/zynqmp-firmware/pm