The libraries available with the standalone BSP are as follows:
- XilFatFS
- A LibXil FATFile system and provides read/write access to files stored on a Xilinx system ACE compact flash.
- XilFFS
- Generic Fat File System Library.
- XilFlash
- Xilinx flash library for Intel/AMD CFI compliant parallel flash.
- XilSecure
- Xilinx Secure library provides an interface to access secure hardware (AES-GCM, RSA, and SHA) engines.
- XilSkey
- Xilinx secure key library.
- A library that provides an interface to the Linux or bare metal users for configuring the programmable logic (PL) over PCAP from PS.
- XilPM
- Xilinx Power Management (XilPM) provides Embedded Energy Management Interface (EEMI) APIs for power management on Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC.
- XilMailbox
- The XilMailbox library provides the top-level hooks for sending or receiving an inter-processor interrupt (IPI) message using the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC IPI hardware
- lwIP Library
- An open source TCP/IP protocol suite that provides access to the core lwIP stack and BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) sockets style interface to the stack.
These libraries are documented in The C Standard Library (libc).