The PM platform driver exports a standard debugfs interface to access all EEMI services. The interface is intended for testing only and does not contain any checking regarding improper usage, and the number, type, and valid ranges of the arguments. The user should be aware that invoking EEMI services directly via this interface can very easily interfere with the kernel power management operations, resulting in unexpected behavior or system crash. Zynq MPSoC debugfs interface is disabled by default in defconfig. It needs to be enabled explicitly as mentioned below.
Kernel configurations required (in this order):
- Kernel hacking
- Compile-time checks and compiler options
- [*] Debug File system
- Compile-time checks and compiler options
- Firmware Drivers
Zynq MPSoC Firmware
- [*] Enable AMD Zynq MPSoC firmware interface
- [*] Enable AMD Zynq MPSoC firmware debug APIs
Zynq MPSoC Firmware
You can invoke any EEMI API except for:
- Self Suspend
- System Shutdown
- Force Power Down the APU
- Request Wake-up the APU