Using FSBL to Load PMU Firmware - 2024.2 English - UG1137

Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Software Developer Guide (UG1137)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English
  1. Build PMU firmware application in the Vitis IDE.
  2. Build an FSBL in the Vitis IDE for A53. (R5F can also be used).
  3. Create a hello_world example for A53.
  4. Select Xilinx > Create Boot Image.
  5. Create a new bif file. Choose:
    1. Architecture: ZynqMP
    2. You will see A53 fsbl and hello_world example by default in partitions. Also, you need PMU firmware.
    3. Click on Add, then provide pmufw.elf path. Also select Partition type as datafile, Destination device as PS, and Destination CPU as PMU.
    4. Click OK.

  6. After adding pmufw as partition. Click on pmufw partition and then, click UP.
  7. Make sure to select the following partition order:
    1. A53 FSBL
    2. PMU firmware
    3. Hello World application
  8. Click on Create Image. You will see BOOT.bin created in a new bootimage folder in your example project.
  9. View the .BIF file to confirm the partition order.

  10. Now copy this BOOT.bin into SD card.
  11. Boot the ZCU102 board in SD boot mode. You can see the fsbl > pmufw > hello_world example prints in a sequence.