The system-level protection mechanism involves the following areas:
Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Linux software stack relies on the Trusted
Firmware-A (TF-A). Protection can be enhanced even further by configuring the
AMPU and APPU to provide the system-level run-time security.
- Protection against buggy or malicious software (erroneous software) from corrupting system memory or causing a system failure.
- Protection against incorrect programming, or malicious devices (erroneous hardware) from corrupting system memory or causing a system failure.
- Memory (DDR, OCM) and peripherals (peripheral control, SLCRs) are protected from illegal accesses by erroneous software or hardware to protect the system.
- The AMD memory protection unit (AMPU) enforces memory partitioning and TrustZone (TZ) protection for memory and FPD slaves. The AMPU can be configured to isolate a master or a given set of masters to a developer-defined set of address ranges.
- The AMD peripheral protection unit (APPU) provides LPD peripheral isolation and inter-processor interrupt (IPI) protection. The APPU can be configured to permit one or more masters to access an LPD peripheral. For more information, see the APPU Protection of Slaves section of the Zynq UltraScale+ Device Technical Reference Manual (UG1085).