Power Saving - 1.0 English - PG326

Embedded Memory Generator LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG326)

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Release Date
1.0 English

The Embedded Memory Generator pipelines the en[a|b] input internally to drive memories and registers at each pipeline stage. For pipelined designs that do not tie en[a|b] High, this results in a power savings with respect to the Embedded Memory Generator (EMG) IP, which applies en[a|b] to all resources in parallel and therefore enables memories for the duration of the pipeline depth.

The sleep port and WAKEUP_TIME parameters are used in conjunction to implement various sleep modes on the underlying memory primitives. When WAKEUP_TIME is 0, the sleep input is unused. A WAKEUP_TIME value of 2 implies a two clock cycle wakeup period, and therefore either the BRAM SLEEP port or URAM SLEEP port function.

You are responsible for complying with relevant signaling requirements to avoid data corruption or uncertainty.

When CLOCKING_MODE is 0, the sleep input port is pipelined such that it is applied to synchronous elements in alignment with their pipeline stage, synchronous to clka. You will continue to receive valid read outputs for WAKEUP_TIME clka cycles after sleep is asserted, and must wait for READ_LATENCY_[A|B] + WAKEUP_TIME clka clock cycles following the synchronous removal of sleep until the corresponding dout[a|b] values are again valid.

When CLOCKING_MODE is 1, the sleep input port is not pipelined such that it is applied asynchronously to all elements in parallel. As such, the user will begin to receive invalid read outputs immediately, and must wait for READ_LATENCY_[A|B] + WAKEUP_TIME clk[a|b] clock cycles following the asynchronous removal of sleep until the corresponding dout[a|b] values are again valid.