Port Descriptions - 1.0 English

Embedded Memory Generator LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG326)

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Release Date
1.0 English

The following table provides a description of the Embedded Memory Generator core ports. You can select the widths of the data ports (dina, douta, dinb, and doutb) in the AMD Vivado™ IDE. The address port (addrb) widths are determined by the memory depth with respect to each port. The write enable ports (wea and web) are buses (of width one) when byte-writes are disabled. When byte-writes are enabled, wea and web widths depend on the byte size and write data widths selected in Vivado IDE.

Table 1. Core Port Pinout
Port Name I/O Port Description
clka Input Port A Clock Port A operations are synchronous to this clock. For synchronous operation, this must be driven by the same signal as CLKB.
addra Input Port A Address Addresses the memory space for port A Read and Write operations. Available in all configurations.
dina Input Port A Data Input: Data input to be written into the memory through port A. Available in all RAM configurations.
douta Output Port A Data Output Data output from Read operations through port A. Available in all configurations except Simple Dual-port RAM.
ena Input Port A Clock Enable Enables Read, Write, and reset operations through port A. Optional in all configurations.
wea Input Port A Write Enable Enables Write operations through port A. Available in all RAM configurations.
rsta Input Port A Set/Reset Resets the Port A memory output latch or output register. Optional in all configurations.
regcea Input Port A Register Enable Enables the last output register of port A. Optional in all configurations with port A output registers.
sbiterra Output Single-Bit Error Single-bit error in memory which has been auto corrected on the output bus.
dbiterra Output Double-Bit Error Flags the presence of a double-bit error in memory. Double-bit errors cannot be auto-corrected by the built-in ECC decode module.
injectsbiterra Input Inject Single-Bit Error Injects single-bit error to a specific location during Write operation. For more details, see Error Injection.
injectdbiterra Input Inject Double-Bit Error Injects double-bit error to a specific location during Write operation. For more details, see Error Injection.
clkb Input Port B Clock Port B operations are synchronous to this clock. Available in dual-port configurations. For synchronous operation, this must be driven by the same signal as CLKA.
addrb Input Port B address Addresses the memory space for port B Read and Write operations. Available in dual-port configurations.
dinb Input Port B Data Input Data input to be written into the memory through port B. Available in True Dual-port RAM configurations.
doutb Output Port B Data Output Data output from Read operations through Port B. Available in dual-port configurations.
enb Input Port B Clock Enable Enables Read, Write, and reset operations through Port B. Optional in dual-port configurations.
web Input Port B Write Enable Enables Write operations through Port B. Available in Dual-port RAM configurations.
rstb Input Port B Set/Reset Resets the Port B memory output latch or output register. Optional in all configurations.
regceb Input Port B Register Enable Enables the last output register of port B. Optional in dual-port configurations with port B output registers.
sbiterrb Output Single-Bit Error Flags the presence of a single-bit error in memory which has been auto-corrected on the output bus.
dbiterrb Output Double-Bit Error Flags the presence of a double-bit error in memory. Double-bit errors cannot be auto-corrected by the built-in ECC decode module.
injectsbiterrb Input Inject Single-Bit Error Injects single-bit error to a specific location during Write operation. For more details, see Error Injection.
injectdbiterrb Input Inject Double-Bit Error Injects double-bit error to a specific location during Write operation. For more details, see Error Injection.
sleep Input Dynamic Power Saving If sleep pin is High, the Embedded Memory Generator core is in power saving mode.