The register move capabilities of the AI Engine are covered in this section (refer to the Register Files section for a description of the naming of register types.
- Scalar to scalar:
- Move scalar values between R, M, P, C, and special registers
- Move immediate values to R, M, P, C, and special registers
- Move a scalar value to/from an AXI4-Stream
- Vector to vector: Move one 128-bit V-register to an arbitrary V-register in one cycle. It also applies to the 256-bit W-register and the 512-bit X-register. However, vector sizes must be the same in all cases.
- Accumulator to accumulator: Move one 384-bit accumulator (AM) register to another AM-register in one cycle
- Vector to accumulator; there are two possibilities:
- Upshift path takes 16 or 32-bit vector values and writes into an accumulator
- Use the normal multiplication datapath and multiply each value by a
constant value of
- Accumulator to vector: Shift-round saturate datapath moves the accumulator to a vector register
- Accumulator to cascade stream and cascade to accumulator: Cascade stream connects the AI Engines in the array in a chain and allows the AI Engines to transfer an accumulator register (384-bit) from one to the next. A small two-deep 384-bit wide FIFO on both the input and output streams allows storing up to four values in the FIFOs between the AI Engines.
- Scalar to vector: Moves a scalar value from an R-register to a vector register
- Vector to scalar: Extracts an arbitrary 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit value from a 128-bit or 256-bit vector register and writes results into a scalar R-register