Tutorial Design Components - 2021.2 English - UG936

Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Programming and Debugging

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

Labs 1 through 4 include:

  • A simple control state machine
  • Three sine wave generators using AXI4-Stream interface, native DDS Compiler
  • Common push buttons (GPIO_BUTTON)
  • DIP switches (GPIO_SWITCH)
  • LED displays (GPIO_LED) VIO Core (Lab 3 only)
Pushbutton Switches
Serve as inputs to the de-bounce and control state machine circuits. Pushing a button generates a high-to-low transition pulse. Each generated output pulse is used as an input into the state machine.
DIP Switch
Enables or disables a de-bounce circuit.
De-bounce Circuit
This example, when enabled, provides a clean pulse or transition from high to low. Eliminates a series of spikes or glitches when a button is pressed and released.
Sine Wave Sequencer State Machine
Captures and decodes input from the two push buttons. Provides sine wave selection and indicator circuits, sequencing among 00, 01, 10, and 11 (zero to three).
LED Displays
GPIO_LED_0 and GPIO_LED_1 display selection status from the state machine outputs, each of which represents a different sine wave frequency: high, medium, and low.

Lab 5 includes:

  • An IBERT core
  • A top-level wrapper that instantiates the IBERT core