- Connecting to the Target Board Remotely
- If you plan to connect remotely, you need to make sure that the KC705 board is
plugged into a machine and you are running an hw_server application on that
machine. If you plan to connect locally, skip steps 1-5 below and go directly to
the Connecting to the Target Board Locally section.
- Connect the Digilent USB JTAG cable of your KC705 board to a USB port on a Windows system.
- Ensure that the board is plugged in and powered on.
- Power cycle the board to clear the device.
- Turn DIP switch positions (pin 1 on SW11, De-bounce Enable) to the OFF position.
- Assuming you are connecting your KC705 board to a 64-bit Windows machine
and you will be running the hw_server from the network instead of your
local drive, open a
prompt and type the following:<Xilinx_Install>\Vivado\2020.x\bin\hw_server
Leave this
prompt open while the hw_server is running. Note the machine name that you are using, you will use this later when opening a connection to this instance of the hw_server application.
- Connecting to the Target Board Locally
- If you plan to connect locally, ensure that the KC705 board is plugged into a
Windows machine and then perform the following steps:
- Connect the Digilent USB JTAG cable of your KC705 board to a USB port on a Windows system.
- Ensure that the board is plugged in and powered on.
- Power cycle the board to clear the device.
- Turn DIP switch positions (pin 1 on SW11, De-bounce Enable) to the OFF position.