- Launch Synplify Pro and select .
- Set File Type to Project File (Project) as highlighted in the following figure.
- In the New File Name box, enter synplify_1.
- Click OK.
- If you get a dialog box asking you to create a non-existing directory, click
- In the left panel of the Synplify Pro window, click Add File as shown in the following figure.
- In the Add Files to Project dialog box, change the Files of Type to HDL File.
Navigate to C:\Vivado_Debug\src\lab4, which shows all the
VHDL source files needed for this lab. Select the following three files by
pressing the Ctrl key and clicking on them.
- debounce.vhd
- fsm.vhd
- sinegen_demo.vhd
- Click Add.
- In the same dialog box set Files of type to Constraints Files. This shows
the synplify_1.sdc file. Select the file and click
Add as shown in the following
- In the same dialog box, set Files of type to FPGA Constraint Files. This
shows the synplify_1.fdc file. Select the file and click Add as shown in the following figure. Click
- Now, you need to set the implementation options.
- Click Implementation Options in the Synplify Pro
window as shown in the following figure.
- This brings up the Implementation Options dialog box as shown in the
following figure. In the Device tab, set Technology to Xilinx Kintex7, Part to
XC7K325T, Package to FFG900 and Speed to -2. Leave all the other options at
their default values. Click OK.
- You need to preserve the net names that you want to debug by putting
attributes in the HDL files. These attributes are already placed in the
sinegen_demo.vhd, file of this
tutorial. Open the sinegen_demo.vhd file
and inspect the lines shown.
- You also can specify the MARK_DEBUG attributes in the source HDL files to
mark the signals for debug, as shown in the code snippet from singen_demo.vhd file.
- The synplify_1.sdc file contains
various kinds of constraints such as pin location, I/O standard, and clock
definition. The synplify_1.fdc file
contains directives for the compiler. Here is where the nets of interest to us
that are marked for debug are located. The attribute and the nets selected for
debug are shown in the following figure.
In the above constraints, sinegen has been defined as a black box by using the syn_black_box attribute. Second, the syn_no_prune attribute has been used so that the I/Os of this block are not optimized away. Finally, two nets,
, have been assigned the MARK_DEBUG attribute such that these two nets should show up in the synthesized design in Vivado® IDE for further debugging. For further information on these attributes, please refer to the Synplify Pro User Manual and Synplify Pro Reference Manual.