Block Diagram and Pinout - XAPP1362

Non-Integer Data Recovery Unit (XAPP1362)

Document ID
Release Date
1.1.1 English

This section describes the structure of the NIDRU wrapper and its pinout. The wrapper structure is shown in the following figure. Only relevant ports are shown in the figure.

Figure 1. Simplified Block Diagram

The DT_IN port receives raw oversampled data from a SelectIOinterface or a transceiver set in lock-to-reference mode. The width of the oversampled data is programmable by the DT_IN_WIDTH attribute. The value of the DT_IN_WIDTH attribute can be set to 4, 20, 32, 64, or 128 bits. The NIDRU bit-ordering convention is the same as the transceivers, where the LSB is the oldest bit or the bit that came in first.

Note: Starting with the AMD Virtex™ 4 devices, all transceivers follow the same ordering rule as the NIDRU described here. The SerDes in Virtex II Pro devices use a different bit ordering.

The phase detector (PD) looks for transitions in the incoming data, continuously comparing the phase of the incoming data with the phase of the internal numerically-controlled oscillator (NCO). The digital error signal generated by the PD and filtered out by the low-pass (LP) filter corrects the NCO frequency to minimize the phase error, thus realizing the phase-locked loop (PLL) functionality of the NIDRU. See References.

Based on the NCO output, the sample selector (SS) block selects the samples that are more closely positioned to the middle of the eye. There can be up to 64 valid samples in each REFCLK cycle, which are placed by the SS on the SAM output. SAMV indicates the number of valid samples on SAM at each clock cycle. To simplify the connection between the NIDRU and the user application, a barrel shifter is provided in the wrapper, where the output data width can be programmed using the WDT_OUT attribute. All blocks in the NIDRU wrapper are synchronized to REFCLK. The NIDRU operates in parallel over the incoming data, generally producing more than one bit output for each clock cycle. The relationship between the operating frequency (REFCLK) and the incoming data rate dictates the maximum number of bits extracted per clock cycle, NMAX , according to the following equation.

Three example user configurations of fREFCLK and the oversampling rate are considered here with the assumption that a 20-bit NIDRU is used.

  • Fast Ethernet with fREFCLK = 125 MHz, oversampling at 2.5 Gb/s: NMAX = 2.
  • STM1 with fREFCLK = 125 MHz, oversampling at 2.5 Gb/s: NMAX = 2.
  • Fast Ethernet with fREFCLK = 155.52 MHz, oversampling at 3.1 Gb/s: NMAX = 1.

If WDT_OUT > 1, a barrel shifter is automatically inserted in the wrapper to ease the interfacing of the NIDRU to a fixed-width FIFO. If WDT_OUT = 1 (i.e., the user application has 1-bit width only) the barrel shifter is not needed and is not instantiated in the NIDRU wrapper.

WDT_OUT must satisfy the criteria in the following equation to make sure the output bandwidth of the NIDRU is compatible with the incoming throughput.

The following table describes the NIDRU configuration attributes. The NIDRU ports are described in Table 2.

Table 1. NIDRU Configuration Attributes
Attribute Name Type/Range Description Comment
Configuration Section
WDT_OUT Integer from 2 to 64 Output data width Output width for the bus DOUT.
DT_IN_WIDTH Integer 4, 20, 32, 64, or 128 Input data width Output width for the bus DT_IN.
EN_CENTER_F_ATTR Standard logic Enables use of CENTER_F_ATTR When set to 1, CENTER_F_ATTR is used as CENTER_F. When set to 0, the CENTER_F port is used.
CENTER_F_ATTR Standard logic vector 39 down to 0 Attribute configuration for CENTER_F CENTER_F_ATTR can be used instead of CENTER_F depending on the value of EN_ CENTER_F_ATTR.
EN_G1_ATTR Standard logic Enables use of G1_ATTR When set to 1, CENTER_F_ATTR is used as CENTER_F. When set to 0, the CENTER_F port is used.
G1_ATTR Standard logic vector 4 down to 0 Attribute configuration for G1 G1_ATTR can be used instead of G1 depending on the value of EN_ G1_ATTR.
EN_G2_ATTR Standard logic Enables use of G2_ATTR When set to 1, CENTER_F_ATTR is used as CENTER_F. When set to 0, the CENTER_F port is used.
G2_ATTR Standard logic vector 4 down to 0 Attribute configuration for G2 G2_ATTR can be used instead of G2 depending on the value of EN_G2_ATTR.
EN_G1_P_ATTR Standard logic Enables use of G1_P_ATTR When set to 1, CENTER_F_ATTR is used as CENTER_F. When set to 0, the CENTER_F port is used.
G1_P_ATTR Standard logic vector 4 down to 0 Attribute configuration for G1_P G1_P_ATTR can be used instead of G1_P depending on the value of EN_G1_P_ATTR
EN_SHIFT_S_PH_ATTR Standard logic Enables use of SHIFT_S_PH_ATTR When set to 1, CENTER_F_ATTR is used as CENTER_F. When set to 0, the CENTER_F port is used.
SHIFT_S_PH_ATTR Standard logic vector 7 down to 0 Attribute configuration for SHIFT_S_PH SHIFT_S_PH_ATTR can be used instead of SHIFT_S_PH depending on the value of EN_SHIFT_S_PH_ATTR.
EN_EN_INTEG_ATTR Standard logic Enable port EN_INTEG When set to 1 enables EN_INTEG port. When set to 0, the EN_INTEG port is connected to EN_INTEG_ATTR.
EN_INTEG_ATTR Standard logic Attribute configuration for EN_INTEG See EN_EN_INTEG_ATTR.
EN_EN Standard logic Enables the EN port The EN port can be disabled by setting EN_EN=1, reducing the complexity of the circuit.
ENABLE_LTR_PORT Standard logic Enables lock to reference mode When set to 1, the port LTR can be used to disable the tracking mechanism (LTR = 1).
Eye Scan Section
PH_NUM Integer from 0 to 2 Number of extra sampling phases
  • 0: No eye scan logic is instantiated.
  • 1: Eye scan logic with one extra phase.
  • 2: Eye scan logic with two extra phases.
Logic Optimization Section
S_MAX Integer from 1 to 64 Expected maximum number of extracted samples per clock cycle See Logic Optimization for configuration instructions for this port. Set S_MAX ≥ NMAX. Setting S_MAX to DT_IN_WIDTH/2 works for all cases although it might not be optimal from the resource point of view.
S_MAX_EYE Integer from 1 to 64 Maximum number of samples extracted by the eye scan controller See Logic Optimization for configuration instructions for this port.
MASK_CG Standard logic vector 15 down to 0 Mathematical precision of the generated coefficients See Logic Optimization for configuration instructions for this port. Setting MASK_CG to all ones forces NIDRU to use maximum precision.
MASK_PD Standard logic vector 15 down to 0 Mathematical precision of the PD calculations See Logic Optimization for configuration instructions for this port. Setting MASK_PD to all ones forces NIDRU to use maximum precision.
MASK_VCO Standard logic vector 36 down to 0 Mathematical precision of the NCO output See Logic Optimization for configuration instructions for this port. Setting MASK_VCO to all- ones forces NIDRU to use maximum precision.

The following table describes the NIDRU ports.

Table 2. NIDRU Ports
Pin Name Type Description Comment
Data Ports
DT_IN Input 4, 20, 32, 64, or 128 bits Input data from SerDes or SelectIO interface Bit 0 is the oldest.
EN Input Enable Enables all processes of the NIDRU.
CLK Input Clock Clock for all NIDRU processes.
RECCLK Output DT_IN_WIDTH bits Recovered clock This is the recovered clock to be serialized by a TX SerDes or a SelectIO interface. In terms of serialization order, bit 0 has to be serialized first.
EN_OUT Output Output data valid When data on DOUT is valid, the NIDRU sets EN_OUT to 1.
DOUT Output WDT_OUT bits Output data Output data for the user application. The width of DOUT is programmable through the attribute WDT_OUT.
Configuration Ports
CENTER_F Input 40 bits Center frequency at which the NIDRU operates See Logic Optimization for configuration instructions for this port.
G1 Input 5 bits Direct gain See Logic Optimization for configuration instructions for this port.
G1_P Input 5 bits Integral pre-gain See Logic Optimization for configuration instructions for this port.
G2 Input 5 bits Integral post-gain See Logic Optimization for configuration instructions for this port.
LTR Input Lock to reference mode See attribute EN_LTR_PORT.
Eye Scan Ports
AUTOM Input Auto/manual mode Setting to 1 enables the embedded eye scan controller. Setting to 0 allows performing eye scan manually.
START_EYESCAN Input Start eye scan Pulse for at least 1 clock cycle to request an eye scan. Any eye scan request while EYESCAN_BUSY = 1 is discarded.
EYESCAN_BUSY Output Eye scan is operating When set to 1, eye scan is being acquired.
TRIGGER_MODE Input Eye acquisition mode See One-Dimensional Eye Scan.
EYE_AP Output 9 bits The eye aperture can be read here. This value is updated each time the signal EYSCAN_BUSY goes down.
RST_PH_0 Input Phase 0 reset See One-Dimensional Eye Scan.
RST_PH_1 Input Phase 1 reset See One-Dimensional Eye Scan.
RST_PH_SAMP Input Sampling phase reset See One-Dimensional Eye Scan.
ERR_PH_0 Output 7 bits Error number from phase 0 See One-Dimensional Eye Scan.
ERR_PH_1 Output 7 bits Error number from phase 1 See One-Dimensional Eye Scan.
PH_0 Input 8 bits Phase 0 position See One-Dimensional Eye Scan.
PH_1 Input 8 bits Phase 1 position See One-Dimensional Eye Scan.
PH_0_SCAN Output 8 bits Current phase 0 being scanned See One-Dimensional Eye Scan.
PH_1_SCAN Output 8 bits Current phase 1 being scanned See One-Dimensional Eye Scan.
WAITING_TIME Input 48 bits Waiting time for each sample See One-Dimensional Eye Scan.
ERR_COUNT_PH_0 Output 52 bits Errors accumulated in PH_0 See One-Dimensional Eye Scan.
EN_ERR_COUNT_PH_0 Output Valid signal for ERR_COUNT_PH_0 See One-Dimensional Eye Scan.
ERR_COUNT_PH_1 Output 52 bits Errors accumulated in PH_1 See One-Dimensional Eye Scan.
EN_ERR_COUNT_PH_1 Output Valid signal for ERR_COUNT_PH_1 See One-Dimensional Eye Scan.
Debug Ports
PH_OUT Output 21 bit Output NCO phase

Debug output.

INTEG Output 32 bits Integral-branch output
DIRECT Output 32 bits Direct-branch output
CTRL Output 32 bits NCO control signal
AL_PPM Output PPM alarm Input data stream is at the limit of the NIDRU when AL_PPM =1. This signal is not latched.
RST Input Reset Reset signal for all processes, except for the filter.
PH_EST_DIS Input Phase error estimation method Debug input. Set to 0.
EN_INTEG Input Enable integral path Debug input. Set to 1.
VER Output 8 bits Version NIDRU version. The version delivered by this application note is 10.
SAMV Output 7 bits Number of samples out At each clock cycle, NIDRU reports how many bits have been extracted. Connected to the barrel shifter in the wrapper.
SAM Output, DT_IN_WIDTH/2 Samples out At each clock cycle, NIDRU reports the SAMV bits which have been extracted. They are placed in the lowest portion of SAM. Connected in the wrapper to the barrel shifter.