Hardness to atmospheric neutrons continues to improve as process architectures as small as 7 nm have come online. Longer beam test times have therefore been implemented.
The September 2005 issue of IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability featured an article entitled The Rosetta Experiment: Atmospheric Soft Error Rate Testing in Differing Technology FPGAs [Ref 1]. The article described real-time experiments that evaluated large AMD FPGAs for their sensitivity to radiation-induced single event upsets (SEUs).
This white paper clarifies some open issues from the original AMD Rosetta experiments conducted in 2005.
The devices under test represent several CMOS technologies, from 150 nm, current at the time of this white paper’s original publication (v1.0), to 7 nm, current at the time of publication of this revision (v2.1). Detailed experimental results derived from simulation, beam testing, and atmospheric testing are presented.