User Parameters - 2.0 English

AXI4 Debug Hub LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG361)

Document ID
Release Date
2.0 English

The following table shows the relationship between the fields in the AMD Vivado™ IDE and the user parameters (which can be viewed in the Tcl Console).

Table 1. User Parameters
Parameter Name Value Range Default Value Description
Number of Debug Cores 0-64 0 Number of debug cores to be instantiated in the design
AXI Data Width 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 512 AXI Data width of the data coming from the host. You can leave it to AUTO for an auto-update or set it manually
AXI Address Width 21-64 21 AXI Address width of the data coming from the host. You can leave it to AUTO for an auto-update or set it manually
AXI ID Width 0-32 0 AXI ID width of the data coming from the host. You can leave it to AUTO for an auto-update or set it manually
Enable BSCAN Fallback 0-1 0 BSCAN fallback is added, and you can use it instead of AXI4 interface for different scenario
Address Offset 0 - FFFF… 0x00000000000 The base address of Master, to which Debug Hub is connected, must be added in a hexadecimal format
Address Range 0x00200000 - FFFF… 0x00200000 The address range of Master, to which Debug Hub is connected must be added in a hexadecimal format. Address Range must at least be 2M.