The following figure shows the Interface Options tab when Interface Monitor or Mixed type is selected for ILA input type:
Figure 1. Interface Options Tab
- Interface Type
- Vendor, Library, Name, and Version (VLNV) of the interface to be monitored by the ILA core.
- AXI-MM ID Width
- Selects the ID width of the AXI interface when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM, where <p> is the slot number.
- AXI-MM Data Width
- Selects the parameters corresponding to slot_Selects the Data width of the AXI interface when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM, where <p> is the slot number.
- AXI-MM Address Width
- Selects the Address width of the AXI interface when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM, where <p> is the slot number.
- Enable AXI-MM/Stream Protocol Checker
- Enables AXI4-MM or AXI4-Stream protocol checker for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM or AXI4-Stream, where <p> is the slot number.
- Enable Transaction Tracking Counters
- Enables AXI4-MM transaction tracking capability.
- Number of Outstanding Read Transactions
- Specifies the number of outstanding Read transactions per ID. The value should be equal to or greater than the number of outstanding Read transactions for that connection.
- Number of Outstanding Write Transactions
- Specifies the number of outstanding Write transactions per ID. The value should be equal to or greater than the number of outstanding Write transactions for that connection.
- Monitor APC Status signals
- Enable monitoring of APC status signals for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM, where <p> is the slot number.
- Configure AXI read address channel as Data
- Select read address channel signals for data storage purpose for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM, where <p> is the slot number.
- Configure AXI read address channel as Trigger
- Select read address channel signals for specifying trigger condition for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM, where <p> is the slot number.
- Configure AXI read data channel as Data
- Select read data channel signals for data storage purposes for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM, where <p> is the slot number.
- Configure AXI read data channel as Trigger
- Select read data channel signals for specifying trigger conditions for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM, where <p> is the slot number.
- Configure AXI write address channel as Data
- Select write address channel signals for data storage purpose for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM, where <p> is the slot number.
- Configure AXI write address channel as Trigger
- Select write address channel signals for specifying trigger conditions for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM, where <p> is the slot number.
- Configure AXI write data channel as Data
- Select write data channel signals for data storage purpose for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM, where <p> is the slot number.
- Configure AXI write data channel as Trigger
- Select write data channel signals for specifying trigger condition for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM, where <p> is the slot number.
- Configure AXI write response channel as Data
- Select write response channel signals for data storage purposes for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM, where <p> is the slot number.
- Configure AXI write response channel as Trigger
- Select write response channel signals for specifying trigger condition for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM, where <p> is the slot number.
- AXI-Stream Tdata Width
- Selects the Tdata width of the AXI-Stream interface when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-Stream, where <p> is the slot number.
- AXI-Stream TID Width
- Selects the TID width of the AXI-Stream interface when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-Stream, where <p> is the slot number.
- AXI-Stream TUSER Width
- Selects the TUSER width of the AXI-Stream interface when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-Stream, where <p> is the slot number.
- AXI-Stream TDEST Width
- Selects the TDEST width of the AXI-Stream interface when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-Stream, where <p> is the slot number.
- Configure AXIS Signals as Data
- Select AXI4-Stream signals for data storage purpose for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-Stream where <p> is the slot number.
- Configure AXIS Signals as Trigger
- Select AXI4-Stream signals for specifying trigger condition for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-Stream, where <p> is the slot number.
- Configure Slot as Data and/or Trigger
- Selects non-AXI slot signals for specifying trigger condition or for data storage purpose or for both for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as non-AXI, where <p> is the slot number.