Interface Options - 1.3 English - PG357

Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) with AXI4-Stream Interface LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG357)

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1.3 English

The following figure shows the Interface Options tab when Interface Monitor or Mixed type is selected for ILA input type:

Figure 1. Interface Options Tab
Interface Type
Vendor, Library, Name, and Version (VLNV) of the interface to be monitored by the ILA core.
Selects the ID width of the AXI interface when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM, where <p> is the slot number.
AXI-MM Data Width
Selects the parameters corresponding to slot_Selects the Data width of the AXI interface when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM, where <p> is the slot number.
AXI-MM Address Width
Selects the Address width of the AXI interface when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM, where <p> is the slot number.
Enable AXI-MM/Stream Protocol Checker
Enables AXI4-MM or AXI4-Stream protocol checker for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM or AXI4-Stream, where <p> is the slot number.
Enable Transaction Tracking Counters
Enables AXI4-MM transaction tracking capability.
Number of Outstanding Read Transactions
Specifies the number of outstanding Read transactions per ID. The value should be equal to or greater than the number of outstanding Read transactions for that connection.
Number of Outstanding Write Transactions
Specifies the number of outstanding Write transactions per ID. The value should be equal to or greater than the number of outstanding Write transactions for that connection.
Monitor APC Status signals
Enable monitoring of APC status signals for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM, where <p> is the slot number.
Configure AXI read address channel as Data
Select read address channel signals for data storage purpose for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM, where <p> is the slot number.
Configure AXI read address channel as Trigger
Select read address channel signals for specifying trigger condition for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM, where <p> is the slot number.
Configure AXI read data channel as Data
Select read data channel signals for data storage purposes for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM, where <p> is the slot number.
Configure AXI read data channel as Trigger
Select read data channel signals for specifying trigger conditions for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM, where <p> is the slot number.
Configure AXI write address channel as Data
Select write address channel signals for data storage purpose for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM, where <p> is the slot number.
Configure AXI write address channel as Trigger
Select write address channel signals for specifying trigger conditions for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM, where <p> is the slot number.
Configure AXI write data channel as Data
Select write data channel signals for data storage purpose for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM, where <p> is the slot number.
Configure AXI write data channel as Trigger
Select write data channel signals for specifying trigger condition for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM, where <p> is the slot number.
Configure AXI write response channel as Data
Select write response channel signals for data storage purposes for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM, where <p> is the slot number.
Configure AXI write response channel as Trigger
Select write response channel signals for specifying trigger condition for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-MM, where <p> is the slot number.
AXI-Stream Tdata Width
Selects the Tdata width of the AXI-Stream interface when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-Stream, where <p> is the slot number.
AXI-Stream TID Width
Selects the TID width of the AXI-Stream interface when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-Stream, where <p> is the slot number.
AXI-Stream TUSER Width
Selects the TUSER width of the AXI-Stream interface when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-Stream, where <p> is the slot number.
AXI-Stream TDEST Width
Selects the TDEST width of the AXI-Stream interface when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-Stream, where <p> is the slot number.
Configure AXIS Signals as Data
Select AXI4-Stream signals for data storage purpose for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-Stream where <p> is the slot number.
Configure AXIS Signals as Trigger
Select AXI4-Stream signals for specifying trigger condition for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as AXI-Stream, where <p> is the slot number.
Configure Slot as Data and/or Trigger
Selects non-AXI slot signals for specifying trigger condition or for data storage purpose or for both for slot <p> when the slot_<p> interface type is configured as non-AXI, where <p> is the slot number.