General Options Panel - 1.3 English - PG357

Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) with AXI4-Stream Interface LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG357)

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1.3 English

The following figure shows the General Options tab in the Native setting that allows you to specify the options:

Figure 1. General Options Panel – Native Probes Type

The following figure shows the General Options tab in the AXI setting that allows you to specify the options:

Figure 2. General Options Panel – Interface Monitor Type
Figure 3. General Options Panel – Mixed Type
Component Name
Use this text field to provide a unique module name for the ILA core.
ILA Input Type
This option specifies which type of interface or signal ILA should be debugging. Currently, the values for this parameter are "Native Probes", "Interface Monitor" and "Mixed."
Number of Probes
Use this text field to select the number of probe ports on the ILA core. The valid range used in the AMD Vivado™ IDE is 1 to 64. If you need more than 64 probe ports, you need to use the Tcl command flow to generate the ILA core.
Number of Interface Slots (only available in Interface Monitor type and Mixed type)
This option allows you to select the number of AXI interface slots that needs to be connected to the ILA.
Same Number of Comparators for All Probe Ports
The number of comparators per probe can be configured on this panel. The same number of comparators for all probes can be enabled by selecting.