Designing with the Core - 1.0 English - PG335

Audio Clock Recovery Unit LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG335)

Document ID
Release Date
1.0 English

This section includes guidelines and additional information to facilitate designing with the core.

The aud_clk_out is the audio sampling clock signal recovered from the reference clock. This signal is of very low frequency and is used to generate aud_mclk. Hence, an external PLL is always required to generate the aud_mclk in MHz range.

The following equation explains how an aud_clk_out is generated for HDMI:

Aud_clk_out = (Fref * N/(2*CTS)) * (1/OutputDivider)

Fref = RX TMDS Clock frequency

The following equation explains how an aud_clk_out is generated for DisplayPort:

Aud_clk_out = (Fref * Maud/(2*Naud)) * (1/OutputDivider)

Fref = rxoutclk frequency