report_constant_paths - 2022.2 English - UG835

Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

Report constant paths


report_constant_paths [‑max_paths_per_endpoint <arg>] [‑column_style <arg>]
    [‑file <arg>] [‑append] [‑no_header] [‑of_objects <args>]
    [‑return_string] [‑quiet] [‑verbose] [<objects>]


Name Description
[-max_paths_per_endpoint] number of branches per endpoint to report traces for Default: 1
[-column_style] style for path report columns: Values: variable_width, anchor_left, fixed_width Default: variable_width
[-file] Filename to output results to. (send output to console if -file is not used)
[-append] Append the results to file, don't overwrite the results file
[-no_header] Do not generate a report header
[-of_objects] Report constant paths for these constant paths
[-return_string] return report as string
[-quiet] Ignore command errors
[-verbose] Suspend message limits during command execution
[<objects>] endpoint pins or instances


Report, Timing


Reports constant path objects that meet the specified criteria.


-max_paths_per_endpoint – Specify maximum number of paths to report per constant endpoint object.
Note: By default, 1 path per endpoint has been reported.
-column_style [ variable_width | anchor_left | fixed_width ] - (Optional) Specify the format of the timing path portion of the timing report output.
Note: The default format is anchor_left.

-file <arg> - (Optional) Write the report into the specified file. The specified file will be overwritten if one already exists, unless -append is also specified.

-append - (Optional) Append the output of the command to the specified file rather than overwriting it.

-no_header – (Optional) Will not print header which contains information about tool, system, device, and design on top of the report.

-of_objects – (Optional) Report constant paths for specified paths. For object retrieving get_constant_paths command can be used.

-return_string - (Optional) Directs the output to a Tcl string rather than to the standard output. The Tcl string can be captured by a variable definition and parsed or otherwise processed.

-quiet - (Optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command. The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.

-verbose - (Optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this command.

<objects> - (Required) Design cell(s) or pin(s) object list to report.


Report constant paths of the specified pin.
 report_constant_paths [get_pins cpuEngine/or1200_cpu/or1200_sprs/esr/D]
Output a report into the specified file with fixed column style and in append mode.
report_constant_paths [get_pins cpuEngine/or1200_cpu/or1200_sprs/esr/D] -file filename.txt -append -column_style fixed
Report constant paths of the specified cell.
report_constant_paths [get_cells cpuEngine/or1200_cpu/or1200_sprs/esr]