Create testbench for design unit instance
create_testbench [‑name <arg>] [‑mode <arg>] [‑type <arg>]
[‑add_to_simset <arg>] [‑runtime <arg>] [‑set_as_top] [‑force] [‑quiet]
Name | Description |
Name of the testbench module Default: testbench |
Simulation mode (behavioral, post-synthesis or post-implementation) Default: behavioral |
Netlist type (functional or timing) |
Add the generated testbench to the specified simulation fileset |
Set simulation runtime |
Set generated testbench module as top |
Overwrite existing testbench source file |
Ignore command errors |
Suspend message limits during command execution |
Create testbench for a design unit instance. This command will create a functional system verilog based testbench for the scoped hierarchical instance. The testbench contains port/signal specification, parameter declaration, stimuli vector include file, and module instantiation of the selected instance as DUT (Design Under Test).
The command allows user to add the testbench to an existing or a new simulation fileset from which the simulation can be launched.
<arg> - (Optional) Specify the name of the testbench module
name. Default name is testbench
<arg> - (Optional) Specify name of the simulation
fileset to which the testbench needs to be added. If this switch is not specified
then the command will add the testbench to currect active
simulation fileset.
- (Optional) Set the generated testbench module as top
in the simulation fileset where the testbench will be added.
<arg> - (Optional) Specifies simulation mode. Allowed
values are: behavioral, port-synthesis, or post-implementation. Default is
<arg> - (Optional) Specifies simulation type. Allowed
values are: functional or timing (not applicable for behavioral mode).
- (Optional) Overwrite existing testbench file.
- (Optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no
messages from the command. The command also returns TCL_OK
regardless of any errors encountered during execution.
- (Optional) Temporarily override any message limits and
return all messages from this command.set_msg_config
fileset:create_testbench -name fifo -add_to_simset sub_design_fifo
generate_vcd_ports {/top/DUT/fifo/buf_1}
run 2000ns
close_vcd -ports
create_testbench -name tb -add_to_simset test_buffer -set_as_top