get_board_bus_nets - 2022.2 English - UG835

Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

Gets the list of board bus net objects


get_board_bus_nets [‑regexp] [‑nocase] [‑all] [‑filter <arg>]
    ‑of_objects <args> [‑quiet] [‑verbose] [<patterns>...]


List of bus nets in the board.


Name Description
[-regexp] Patterns are full regular expressions
[-nocase] Perform case-insensitive matching
[-all] Returns all enabled as well as disabled buses
[-filter] Filter list with expression
-of_objects Get 'board_bus_net' objects of these types: 'board_bus board_component board_component_pin'.
[-quiet] Ignore command errors
[-verbose] Suspend message limits during command execution
[<patterns>] match board net names against patterns Default: * Values: The default search pattern is the wildcard *, or .* when -regexp is specified.


Object, Board


Gets a list of individual connection bus nets of the specified connection bus object, or the board component or board component pin objects.

The board file, board.xml located in the data/boards folder of the Vivado® Design Suite installation area, stores information regarding board attributes. The board provides a representation of the overall system that the Xilinx® device is a part of, and can help define key aspects of the design, such as clock constraints, I/O port assignments, and supported interfaces. You can create custom boards by defining a custom Board Interface file, as described in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: System-Level Design Entry (UG895).

Connection buses define the connections between the Xilinx device (part0) and other components on the board. Bus nets define individual connections of the connection bus.

This command returns a list of connection bus nets, or returns an error if it fails.


-regexp - (Optional) Specifies that the search <patterns> are written as regular expressions. Both search <patterns> and -filter expressions must be written as regular expressions when this argument is used. Xilinx® regular expression Tcl commands are always anchored to the start of the search string. You can add ".*" to the beginning or end of a search string to widen the search to include a substring. See for help with regular expression syntax.
Note: The Tcl built-in command regexp is not anchored, and works as a standard Tcl command. For more information refer to

-nocase - (Optional) Perform case-insensitive matching when a pattern has been specified. This argument applies to the use of -regexp only.

-all - (Optional) Return a list of all connection bus nets defined in Board Interface file of the specified object.

-filter - (Optional) Filter the results list with the specified expression. The -filter argument filters the list of objects returned by get_board_bus_nets based on property values on the bus nets. You can find the properties on an object with the report_property or list_property commands. Any property/value pair can be used as a filter. In the case of the board bus net object, "BUS", "NAME", and "DELAY" are some of the properties that can be used to filter results.

The filter search pattern should be quoted to avoid having to escape special characters. String matching is case-sensitive and is always anchored to the start and to the end of the search string. The wildcard “*” character can be used at the beginning or at the end of a search string to widen the search to include a substring of the property value.
Note: The filter returns an object if a specified property exists on the object, and the specified pattern matches the property value on the object. In the case of the "*" wildcard character, this will match a property with a defined value of "".
For string comparison, the specific operators that can be used in filter expressions are "equal" (==), "not-equal" (!=), "match" (=~), and "not-match" (!~). Numeric comparison operators <, >, <=, and >= can also be used. Multiple filter expressions can be joined by AND and OR (&& and ||). The following gets input pins that do NOT contain the “RESET” substring within their name:
get_pins * -filter {DIRECTION == IN && NAME !~ "*RESET*"}
Boolean (bool) type properties can be directly evaluated in filter expressions as true or not true:
-of_objects <args> - (Required) Get the nets of connection buses of the specified board_bus, board_component, or board_component_pin objects.
Note: The -of_objects option requires objects to be specified using the get_* commands, such as get_cells or get_pins, rather than specifying objects by name. In addition, -of_objects cannot be used with a search <pattern>.
-quiet - (Optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command. The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.
Note: Any errors encountered on the command-line, while launching the command, will be returned. Only errors occurring inside the command will be trapped.
-verbose - (Optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this command.
Note: Message limits can be defined with the set_msg_config command.

<patterns> - (Optional) Match board bus nets against the specified search patterns. The default pattern is the wildcard '*' which gets a list of all connection bus nets of the specified objects.


The following example gets the connection bus nets associated with the specified component of the current board:
get_board_bus_nets -of_objects [get_board_components {*iic_main*}]