update_bd_boundaries - 2022.2 English - UG835

Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

update the boundary of source designs of a specified block design container cell from its active variant source design or a specified design. Otherwise, update the boundary of a block design from another block design provided


update_bd_boundaries [‑from_bd <arg>] [‑check_only] [‑quiet] [‑verbose]


TCL_OK on success, TCL_ERROR on failure.


Name Description
[-from_bd] block design to copy the boundary from
[-check_only] report only the changes made when the boundary is copied, do not save the changes to disk
[-quiet] Ignore command errors
[-verbose] Suspend message limits during command execution
[<of_objects>] One or a list of block design container cells enabled for Dynamic Function Exchange or block desing names. List must be of one object type.




Update (copy) the boundary ports, interfaces, port maps, port width and all parameters of ports and interfaces of a Block Design from another Block Design provided.

  • This command may add new and/or remove the existing boundary ports and interface and their parameters which may impact the existing connectivity in the Block Design whose boundary is updated. Connections have to be manually updated.
  • Block Design whose boundary is getting updated must be opened before running this command.

This command also enables updating the boundary of variant source designs of a specified Block Design Container (BDC) cell from its active variant source design or a specified variant source design. The Block Design containing the Block Design Container cell /slaves must be opened before updating the BDC variant block designs boundary. After updating the connections and validating the updated variant block designs manually, BDC cell in top Block Design needs to refreshed to reflect the updated changes.

Tip: This command is not supported by the Undo command.


-of_objects - Use this option to specify a list of opened Block Designs for which the boundary will be updated or a list of Block Design Container cells for which the boundary of variant Block Designs will be updated.

-from_bd - Use this option to specify the Block Design from which the boundary is copied. Note: This input is optional to update the boundary of variant source Block Designs of Block Design Container cells as the active variant Block Design is considered as the default -from_bd.

-check_only -(Optional) Use this option to only list the possible boundary updates. This input does not modify any Block Design.

-quiet - (Optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command. The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.
Note: Any errors encountered on the command-line, while launching the command, will be returned. Only errors occurring inside the command will be trapped.
-verbose - (Optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this command.
Note: Message limits can be defined with the set_msg_config command.


The following example updates the boundary of inactive source Block Designs of Block Design Container(BDC) cell /slaves from its active variant source Block Design. The Block Design containing the Block Design Container cell /slaves must be opened before updating the BDC variant block designs boundary.
update_bd_boundaries [get_bd_cells /slaves]
INFO: [BD 41-2592] Updated boundary pins and interfaces of variant design slaves_2.bd with active 
variant slaves_1.bd design boundary. Some connections may have been removed or design may be stale. 
Connections have to be updated manually, validate the diagram and refresh the block container /slaves

The following example updates the boundary of variant source(including active) Block Designs of Block Design Container(BDC) cell /slaves from one of its variant source Block Design var_1.bd.

update_bd_boundaries -of_objects [ get_bd_cells /slaves ] -from_bd var_1.bd

The following example updates the boundary of a Block Design design_1.bd and Block Design design_2.bd from the boundary of another Block Design design_3.bd. design_1.bd and design_2.bd must be opened before updating their boundary.

update_bd_boundaries -of_objects [ get_bd_designs design_1 design_2] -from_bd design_3.bd

The following example checks the boundary updates required for a Block Design design_1.bd if updated from the boundary of another Block Design design_2.bd

update_bd_boundaries -check_only -of_objects [ get_bd_designs design_1 ] -from_bd design_2.bd