apply_bd_automation - 2022.2 English - UG835

Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

Runs an automation rule on an IPI object.


apply_bd_automation ‑rule <arg> [‑config <args>] ‑dict <arg> ‑opts <arg>
    [‑quiet] [‑verbose] <objects>...


Returns success or failure.


Name Description
-rule Rule ID string
[-config] List of parameter value pairs
-dict List of objects and corresponding parameter name-value pairs.
-opts List of settings that apply to all objects in this rule.
[-quiet] Ignore command errors
[-verbose] Suspend message limits during command execution
<objects> The objects to run the automation rule on




IP integrator provides the Designer Assistance feature, using the apply_bd_automation command, to automatically configure and/or add other relevant IP integrator cells around a selected IP integrator object. For more information on the Designer Assistance features refer to the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Designing with IP (UG896) or the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Designing IP Subsystems Using IP Integrator (UG994).

Currently block and connection automation exists for cells, interfaces, pins and ports. The Block Automation feature is provided for certain complex blocks such as the Zynq device, MicroBlaze processor, AXI Ethernet and memory IP.

The Connection Automation feature helps automate different types of connections. For instance when connecting Slave AXI-MM interfaces, the automation will also connect up the relevant clock and reset pins and also create an interconnect if one is required. Connection Automation may also help with board-level connections; connecting pins and interfaces from relevant cells, to external ports and interfaces, and applying appropriate board constraints on these external I/Os.

Note: This IP integrator command is issued from within the Vivado® IDE via the Designer Assistance GUI feature. It is recommended that you make use of this command in IP integrator through the Vivado IDE, rather than directly from Tcl scripts. Use the write_bd_tcl command to output Tcl for use within a user script.


-rule <arg> - (Required) Specify the defined automation rules to use for the selected object.

-config <args> - (Optional) Specify a list of configuration parameters for the IP integrator object, and the value to assign to the parameter. The parameter name (param) is provided without quotes, while the value is quoted to distinguish it from the param. The parameter and value are assigned as a pair (param "value"). Multiple param "value" pairs can be defined for the specified <objects>, and should be enclosed in braces, {}.
-config {local_mem "16KB" ecc "Basic" debug_module "Debug Only"}
-dict - (Optional) Use this option to specify a dictionary of block design objects with configuration parameters for each object, specified as <object> <params> pairs.
apply_bd_automation -rule <ruleID> \
   -dict "[get_bd_intf_net /intf_net0] { DATA_SEL "1" TRIG_SEL "2" } \
   [get_bd_intf_net /intf_net1] { DATA_SEL "2" } \
   [get_bd_net /net1]  {WIDTH "32" TYPE "1" }"
Tip: Use the -dict option in place of the <objects> and -config arguments when specifying multiple values.
-quiet - (Optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command. The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.
Note: Any errors encountered on the command-line, while launching the command, will be returned. Only errors occurring inside the command will be trapped.
-verbose - (Optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this command.
Note: Message limits can be defined with the set_msg_config command.

<objects> - (Required) The IP integrator object to apply automation to. The object must be returned by commands like get_bd_cells, get_bd_pins, and get_bd_interface, and cannot simply be referenced by name. Only a single IP integrator object should be specified, and it must be compatible with the specified -rule and -config options.


The following example applies Block Automation to the MicroBlaze cell according to the specified rules, configuring the specified parameters with the provided values:
apply_bd_automation -rule \
   -config {local_mem "16KB" ecc "Basic" debug_module "Debug Only" \
   axi_periph "1" axi_intc "1" clk "New Clocking Wizard (100 MHz)" }  \
   [get_bd_cells /microblaze_1]
In this example, the Connection Automation feature applies the board rules to an IP subsystem pin or interface, in this case the clock interface object, when a known compatible interface is available on the board. The first command, get_board_interfaces, returns the interfaces on the target board that are compatible with the IP object. The second command, apply_bd_automation, connects the clock interface to the selected board interface:
get_board_interfaces -filter "VLNV==[get_property VLNV \
   [get_bd_intf_pins clk_wiz_1/CLK_IN1_D]]"
apply_bd_automation -rule \
   -config {Board_Interface "sys_diff_clock" } \
   [get_bd_intf_pins /clk_wiz_1/CLK_IN1_D]
This example applies custom board rules to the IP subsystem clock interface object, CLK_IN1_D, when a clock interface is not available on the target board:
apply_bd_automation -rule \
   [get_bd_pins /clk_wiz_2/CLK_IN1_D]
This example applies custom board rules to an IP subsystem reset_pin, ext_reset_in, when the reset interface on the board is not available:
apply_bd_automation -rule \
   -config {rst_polarity "ACTIVE_HIGH" } \
   [get_bd_pins /proc_sys_reset_1/ext_reset_in]