Step 3. Launch Hardware Emulator and Boot Petalinux - 2022.2 English

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine (XD100)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

There are two Linux terminals required. Both terminals are required to point to a valid Vitis IDE installation/setup area to use Vitis software platform. From terminal 1, setup tool path properly and issue this command to launch hardware emulator and boot up Petalinux.

./ -add-env ENABLE_RDWR_DEBUG=true -add-env RDWR_DEBUG_PORT=10100 -pid-file -no-reboot -forward-port 1440 1534

Command option explanation:

  1. -add-env RDWR_DEBUG_PORT=${aie_mem_sock_port} defines the port for communicating with the AI Engine domain. In the previous example, it is 10100.

  2. -forward-port ${linux_tcf_agent_port} 1534 defines the port for the Linux TCF agent. In the previous example, it is 1440, which is the default.


  1. is generated properly when the project under debug is built and packaged with the hardware emulator correctly. Update the repository’s Makefile line 3 from TARGET = hw to TARGET = hw_emu.

  2. This command takes a few minutes to run because both hardware emulator and Petalinux are required to boot up properly.

  3. Wait until both hardware server and Petalinux boot up before moving to the next step.