Checking Proper Boot-up Using PMC - 2022.2 English

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine (XD100)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

The first key step to ensure emulation is operating correctly is making sure that the PS is able to program the platform management controller (PMC). This system is responsible for booting and configuring the device. Seeing the signal through the CIPS, NoC, and the AI Engine is a sign that things are operating normally.

  1. To see this signal only run the following Tcl script.

    source ../../../../tcl/bootup_signals.tcl

    Bootup Signals

  2. Zoom in to the first transactions by clicking and dragging the mouse from the upper left to the bottom right. You should see something like the following.

    Bootup Zoomed In

    Expand these signals and notice that the NoC and the CIPS signals are all matched. This is showing that the CIPS is transferring configuration information to the PMC. These signals are TLM signals, because the blocks of the device they are targeting are modeled in SystemC. In this view, a wide colored block might not be one transaction (because it is a us timescale), so zoom in and notice there are more transactions occurring in a short amount of time.

    Looking at the last interface, vitis_design_ai_engine_0_0_S00_AXI_tlm, the majority of the transactions are writes, and are configuring the AI Engine to the graph created in Step 1. These writes are specific to the Configuration Data Objects (CDO) that are commands that are passed to the PLM to configure the device, and in this interface, the AI Engine.

  3. Zoom the window to full by clicking the mouse on the lower right side, and drag to the upper left.