A Single Nbody() Kernel - 2022.2 English

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine (XD100)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

Review the src/nbody.cc file. It contains the implementation of a single AI Engine kernel mapped to a single AI Engine tile called nbody(). This kernel takes in the x y z vx vy vz m values for 32 particles, computes the N-Body gravity equations for a single timestep, and outputs the new x y z vx vy vz m values for the 32 particles. This kernel takes in two inputs: w_input_i and w_input_j. The w_input_i window contains the x y z vx vy vz m floating point values for 32 particles. The w_input_j window contains the only x y z m floating-point values for the same 32 particles. This kernel produces one output: w_output_i which contains the new x y z vx vy vz m floating-point values for the 32 particles in the next timestep.

name number of 32-bit data values
w_input_i 32 * 7 = 224
w_input_j 32 * 4 = 128
w_output_i 32 * 7 = 224

alt text

The nbody() kernel is sectioned into two major for loops. The first major for loop (around lines 38-61) calculates the new x y z positions for the 32 particles. The second major for loop (around lines 64-202) calculates the new vx vy vz velocities for the 32 particles. The output mass (m) values remain the same as the inputs. The w_output_i window is then sent to the transmit_new_i kernel (source: src/transmit_new_i.cc) to be written to the final output window.