The IP Sources window shows the generated output products for all IP in the project. By default, the output products for an IP are written to the local project directory, at <project_name>.gen/sources_1/ip/<ip_name>
; however, when you customize the IP from the IP catalog, the IP location can be specified as outside the local project directory.
After generating the synthesis output products, the Vivado IDE creates and launches a design run to produce the OOC DCP.
By default, the Vivado IDE creates a synthesized design checkpoint (DCP) file automatically during the generation process for most Vivado Design Suite IP.
When performing synthesis of the top-level design, IP is marked for the out-of-context flow with an associated DCP file, and treated as a black box because it is being synthesized OOC.
While the synthesis run is processing, the OOC related files are shown as missing.
If you elected to use Global Synthesis, and to not generate the DCP, the Vivado IDE does not create the structural simulation netlist and stub files.
If you do not generate output products, the instantiation templates are the only generated product (besides the XCI and BOM files, which are not displayed) shown in the following figure.
As shown in the following figure, when the output products are generated, the IP Sources window lists unencrypted files.
These files include: the instantiation templates, synthesis and simulation targets, XDC constraints, a change log, and other products.
By default, the Vivado IDE creates an OOC DCP along with structural simulation netlists (<ip_name>_sim_netlist.v
or <ip_name>_sim_netlist.vhdl
) and creates stub files (*_stub.v
) for use with third-party synthesis tools to infer a black box for the IP.
named *_funcsim.v
and *_funcsim.vhdl