Most Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoCs include an RF data converter subsystem, which contains multiple radio frequency analog to digital converters (RF-ADCs) and multiple radio frequency digital to analog converters (RF-DACs).
The high-precision, high-speed, power efficient RF-ADCs and RF-DACs can be individually configured for real data or can be configured in pairs for real and imaginary I/Q data. The 12-bit RF-ADCs support sample rates up to 2 GSPS or 4 GSPS, depending on the selected device. The 14-bit RF-DACs support sample rates up to 6.4 GSPS.
The Following RFADC-DAC sheet displays the ZU28DR device containing eight 2 GSPS RF-ADC and eight 6.4 GSPS RF-DAC channels:
Power can be estimated by selecting the valid combinations of possible configuration of ADC-DAC such as clock frequency, decimation, interpolation and mixer usage.
The XPE summary sheet does not contain the power rails of ADC-DAC block. Click RFADC-DAC Power Rails button to view the power supply section of RFADC-DAC sheet as shown in the following figure.