Using XPE User Interface - 2021.2 English - UG440

Xilinx Power Estimator User Guide (UG440)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

XPE has the following sheets:

  • The Summary sheet lets you enter and edit all device and environment settings. This sheet also displays a summary of the power distribution and provides buttons to import data into XPE, export results, and globally adjust settings.
  • Other sheets allow you to enter usage and activity details for the different resource types available in the targeted device, for example, I/O, Block RAM (BRAM), and Multi-Gigabit Transceivers (MGTs). These sheets report design power based on the resource usage. Resource leakage power is shown on the Summary sheet.
Tip: XPE is intended to be intuitive to the novice spreadsheet-user. For information about a cell in the spreadsheet, move the mouse over the comment indicators (red triangle at the top right corner of the title cells) to read the relevant notes for the intended use (see the following figure).
Figure 1. Comment Indicators and Comment