Linux Application Debugging with System Debugger - 2021.2 English - UG1400

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Embedded Software Development (UG1400)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English
  1. Launch the Vitis software platform.
  2. Create a Linux application.
  3. Select the application you want to debug.
  4. Right-click on the application and select Debug As > Debug Configuration.
  5. Click Launch on Hardware (Single Application Debug) to create a new configuration.
  6. In the Debug Configuration view:
    1. Click the Target Setup view.
    2. From the Debug Type drop-down list, select Linux Application Debug.
    3. Provide the Linux host name or IP address in the Host Name field.
    4. By default, tcf-agent runs on the 1534 port on the Linux. If you are running tcf-agent on a different port, update the Port field with the correct port number.
    5. In the Application Page, click Browse and select the project name. The Vitis software platform automatically fills the information in the application.

    6. In the Remote File Path field, specify the path where you want to download the application in Linux.

    7. If your application is expecting some arguments, specify them in the Arguments view.

    8. If your application is expecting to set some environment variables, specify them in the Environments view.

    9. Click the Debug button. A separate console automatically opens for process standard I/O operations.

    10. Click the Terminate button to terminate the application.