#Create a software design for the template application with default compiler flags and memory section settings
set sw_system_1 [hsi::create_sw_design system_1 -proc microblaze_1 -os
xilkernel ]
#Get the old driver object
set old_driver [hsi::get_drivers myip1]
#Set repository path to find the custom drivers and libraries
hsi::set_repo_path ./my_local_sw_repository
#Set the new driver name and version to old driver object
common::set_property NAME myip1_custom_driver $old_driver
common::set_property VERSION 1.0 $old_driver
#Change default OS configuration to desired one
set OS [hsi::get_os]
common::set_property CONFIG.systmr_dev axi_timer_0 $OS
common::set_property CONFIG.stdin axi_uartlite_0 $OS
common::set_property CONFIG.stdout axi_uartlite_0 $OS
#Add custom library to software design
hsi::add_library xilflash
#Get all the properties of the library, only read_only = false properties can be changed
common::report_property [hsi::get_libs xilflash]
#Change the default configuration of the library
set lib [hsi::get_libs xilflash]
common::set_property CONFIG.enable_amd true $lib
common::set_property CONFIG.enable_intel false $lib
#Generate the BSP with the above configuration
hsi::generate_bsp -dir advanced_bsp -compile
#Delete the library added to software design
hsi::delete_objs $lib