app create - 2021.2 English - UG1400

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Embedded Software Development (UG1400)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

Create an application


app create [options] -platform <platform> -domain <domain>

-sysproj <system-project> Create an application using an existing platform and domain, and add it to a system project. If <platform> and <domain> are not specified, then active platform and domain are used for creating the application. If <system-project> is not specified, then a system project is created with name appname_system. For creating applications and adding them to existing system project, refer to next use case. Supported options are: -name, -template.

app create [options] -sysproj <system-project> -domain <domain>

Create an application for domain specified by <domain> and add it to system project specified by <system-project>. If <system-project> exists, platform corresponding to this system project are used for creating the application. If <domain> is not specified, then active domain is used. Supported options are: -name, -template.

app create [options] -hw <hw-spec> -proc <proc-instance>

Create an application for processor core specified <proc-instance> in HW platform specified by <hw-spec>. Supported options are: -name, -template, -os, -lang, -arch.


Option Description
-name <application-name> Name of the application to be created.
-platform <platform-name> Name of the platform. Use "repo -platforms" to list available pre-defined platforms.
-domain <domain-name> Name of the domain. Use "platform report <platform-name>" to list the available system configurations in a platform.
-hw <hw-spec> HW specification file exported from Vivado (XSA).
-sysproj <system-project> Name of the system project. Use "sysproj list" to know available system projects in the workspace.
-proc <processor> Processor core for which the application should be created.
-template <application template> Name of the template application. Default is "Hello World". Use "repo -apps" to list available template applications.
-os <os-name> OS type. Default type is standalone.
-lang <programming language> Programming language can be c or c++.
-arch <arch-type> Processor architecture, <arch-type> can be 32 or 64 bits. This option is used to build the project with 32/64 bit toolchain.


Nothing, if the application is created successfully. Error string, if the application creation fails.


app create -name test -platform zcu102 -domain a53_standalone

Create Hello World application named test, for the platform zcu102, with a domain named a53_standalone.

app create -name zqfsbl -hw zc702 -proc ps7_cortexa9_0 -os standalone

-template "Zynq FSBL" Create Zynq FSBL application named zqfsbl for ps7_cortexa9_0 processor core, in zc702 HW platform.

app create -name memtest -hw /path/zc702.xsa -proc ps7_cortexa9_0 -os standalone

-template "Memory Tests" Create Memory Test application named memtest for ps7_cortexa9_0 processor core, in zc702.xsa HW platform.

app create -name test -sysproj test_system -domain test_domain

Create Hello World application project with name test and add it to system project test_system.