import_files - 2021.1 English - UG835

Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.1 English

Import files and/or directories into the active fileset


import_files [‑fileset <arg>] [‑force] [‑of_objects <args>] [‑norecurse]
    [‑flat] [‑relative_to <arg>] [‑quiet] [‑verbose] [<files>...]


A list of file objects that were imported.


Name Description
[-fileset] Fileset name
[-force] Overwrite files of the same name in project directory
[-of_objects] RMs to import the files to
[-norecurse] Disables the default behavior of recursive directory searches
[-flat] Import the files into a flat directory structure
[-relative_to] Import the files with respect to the given relative directory
[-quiet] Ignore command errors
[-verbose] Suspend message limits during command execution
[<files>] Name of the files to import into fileset


Project, Simulation


Imports one or more files or the source file contents of one or more directories to the specified fileset.

For every file added to a project the Vivado Design Suite attempts to store and maintain both a relative path and an absolute path to the file or directory. When a project is opened, these paths are used to locate the files and directories. By default the Vivado Design Suite applies a Relative First approach to resolving paths, searching the relative path first, then the absolute path. You can use the PATH_MODE property to change how the Vivado tool resolves file paths or properties for specific objects. For more information, see the Vivado Design Suite Properties Reference Guide (UG912).
Important: Importing multiple files one at a time can cause noticeable performance degradation. It is more efficient to use a single import_files command to import a list of files:
import_files {file1 file2 file3 ... fileN}

This command is different from the add_files command, which adds files by reference into the specified fileset. This command imports the files into the local project folders under project.srcs\<fileset>\imports and then adds the file to the specified fileset.


-fileset <name> - (Optional) The fileset to which the specified source files should be added. If the specified fileset does not exist, the tool will return an error. If no fileset is specified the files will be added to the source fileset by default.

-force - (Optional) Overwrite files of the same name in the local project directory and in the fileset.

-norecurse - (Optional) Do not recurse through subdirectories of any specified directories. Without this argument the tool will also search through any subdirectories for additional source files that can be added to a project.

-flat - (Optional) Import all files into the imports folder without preserving their relative paths. By default the directory structure of files is preserved as they are imported into the design.

-relative_to <arg> - (Optional) Import the files relative to the specified directory. This allows you to preserve the path to the imported files in the directory structure of the local project. The files will be imported to the imports folder with the path relative to the specified directory.
Note: The -relative_to argument is ignored if the -flat argument is also specified. The -flat command eliminates the directory structure of the imported files.
-quiet - (Optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command. The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.
Note: Any errors encountered on the command-line, while launching the command, will be returned. Only errors occurring inside the command will be trapped.
-verbose - (Optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this command.
Note: Message limits can be defined with the set_msg_config command.
<files> - (Optional) One or more file names or directory names to be added to the specified fileset. If a directory name is specified, all valid source files found in the directory, and in subdirectories of the directory, will be added. If no files are specified, the tool imports files in the source set for the current project.
Note: If the path is not specified as part of the file name, the current working directory is used, or the directory from which the tool was launched.


The following example imports the top.ucf file into the constrs_1 constraint fileset.
import_files -fileset constrs_1 top.ucf
The following example imports the valid source files into the source fileset (sources_1) as a default since the -fileset argument is not specified. In addition, the -norecurse argument restricts the tool to looking only in the specified \level1 directory and not searching any subdirectories. All valid source files will be imported into the \imports folder of the project because the -flat argument has been specified.
import_files C:/Data/FPGA_Design/level1 -norecurse -flat
Note: Without the -flat option a \level1 directory would be created inside of the \imports folder of the project.
The following example imports files into the source fileset (sources_1) because the -fileset argument is not specified. Valid source files are imported from the \level1 directory, and all subdirectories, and the files will be written into the \imports folder of the project starting at the \Data directory due to the use of the -relative_to argument.
import_files C:/Data/FPGA_Design/level1 -relative_to C:/Data

See Also