create_drc_violation - 2021.1 English - UG835

Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.1 English

Create a DRC violation


create_drc_violation ‑name <arg> [‑severity <arg>] [‑msg <arg>] [‑quiet]
    [‑verbose] [<objects>...]


Name Description
-name Specify the name for this rule. This is the typically a 4-6 letter specification for your rule.
[-severity] Specify severity level for a DRC rule. Default: WARNING. Values: FATAL, ERROR, CRITICAL WARNING, WARNING, ADVISORY.
[-msg] Specify your message string for this DRC rule.
[-quiet] Ignore command errors
[-verbose] Suspend message limits during command execution
[<objects>] Cells, ports, pins, nets, clock regions, sites, package banks to query.


DRC, Report


Create a DRC violation object and manage the list of design objects associated with the violation for reporting by the report_drc command.

The create_drc_violation command is specified as part of the Tcl checker procedure that defines and implements the checking feature of a user-defined design rule check created by the create_drc_check command. A violation object is created by the Tcl checker each time a violation of the design rule is encountered.

The process in brief is:
  • Write a Tcl checker procedure to define the method applied when checking the user-defined rule, and the objects to check against the rule. The Tcl checker procedure is defined in a separate Tcl script that must be loaded by the source command prior to running report_drc.
  • Use create_drc_violation in the Tcl checker to identify and flag violations found when checking the rule against a design.
  • Define a user-defined DRC rule check using the create_drc_check command that calls the Tcl checker proc from the -rule_body.
  • Create a rule deck using the create_drc_ruledeck command, and add the user-defined rule check to the rule deck using the add_drc_checks command.
  • Run report_drc, and specify either the rule deck, or the user-defined rule check to check for violations.
Violations are reported by the report_drc command, and violation objects can be returned by the get_drc_violations command. The design objects associated with a DRC violation object can be obtained using the -of_objects option of the appropriate get_* command, such as get_cells, get_nets, or get_ports for instance:
get_ports -of_objects [get_drc_violations -name drc_1 NSTD*]


-name <arg> - (Required) The name of the design rule check associated with the violation. This should be the same name used by the create_drc_check command which calls the associated Tcl checker procedure from its -rule_body argument. Messages from the create_drc_violation command are passed up to the drc_check with the same -name.

-severity <arg> - (Optional) The severity of the created violation. This allows individual DRC violations to override the default severity of a specific rule check. The default severity for user-defined DRCs is determined by the definition of -severity in the create_drc_check command. The supported values are:
Note: The SEVERITY is stored as a property on the DRC rule associated with the DRC violation object.

-msg <arg> - (Optional) This is a violation specific message that is substituted for the general string variable (%STR) specified in the optional placeholder message defined in the create_drc_check command.

-quiet - (Optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command. The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.
Note: Any errors encountered on the command-line, while launching the command, will be returned. Only errors occurring inside the command will be trapped.
-verbose - (Optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this command.
Note: Message limits can be defined with the set_msg_config command.
<objects> - (Optional) Cell, port, pin, net, clock region, site, and package I/O bank objects associated with violations found by the Tcl checker procedure that are substituted into the placeholder message of the drc_object with the same -name. Design objects map to substitution keys in the message as follows:
  • %ELG - netlist elements such as cells, ports, pins, and nets.
  • %CRG - clock regions.
  • %SIG - device sites.
  • %PBG - package I/O banks.
Note: Both the order and the type of <objects> passed from the create_drc_violation command must match the -msg specification from the create_drc_check command, or the expected substitution will not occur.


The following Tcl script defines the dataWidthCheck procedure which is called by the -rule_body argument of the RAMW-1 check. This Tcl script file must be loaded into the tool using the source command, prior to running the report_drc command.

Some features of the Tcl checker proc to notice are:
  • A list variable is created to store violations ($vios )
  • A violation object is created, and added to the list variable, each time a violation is found.
  • The placeholder key %ELG in the $msg string is dynamically substituted with the specific $bram cell associated with the violation.
  • The dataWidthCheck proc returns an error code when any violations are found ($vios >0) to inform the report_drc command of the results of the check.
  • The list of violations is passed along with the return code, and the violations are reported by report_drc.
# This is a simplistic check -- report BRAM cells with WRITE_WIDTH_B
# wider than 36.
proc dataWidthCheck {} {
  # list to hold violations
  set vios {}
  # iterate through the objects to be checked
  foreach bram [get_cells -hier -filter {PRIMITIVE_SUBGROUP == bram}] {
    set bwidth [get_property WRITE_WIDTH_B $bram]
    if { $bwidth > 36} {
      # define the message to report when violations are found
      set msg "On cell %ELG, WRITE_WIDTH_B is $bwidth"
      set vio [ create_drc_violation -name {RAMW-1} -msg $msg $bram ]
      lappend vios $vio
  if {[llength $vios] > 0} {
    return -code error $vios
  } else {
    return {}
create_drc_check -name {RAMW-1} -hiername {RAMB Checks} \
   -desc {Data Width Check} -rule_body dataWidthCheck \
   -severity Advisory
Note: The script file can contain both the Tcl checker procedure, and the create_drc_check command that defines it for use by report_drc command. In this case, when the Tcl script file is sourced, both the dataWidthCheck proc and the RAMW-1 design rule check are loaded into the tool.