update_ip_catalog - 2021.1 English - UG835

Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.1 English

Update the IP Catalog. Before executing this command optionally use the following to set repository paths:'set_property ip_repo_paths <repo_path_list> [current_fileset]'


update_ip_catalog [‑rebuild] [‑add_ip <arg>] [‑delete_ip <arg>]
    [‑delete_mult_ip <args>] [‑disable_ip <arg>] [‑enable_ip <arg>]
    [‑add_interface <arg>] [‑create_index] [‑repo_path <arg>]
    [‑update_module_ref] [‑quiet] [‑verbose]


True for success.


Name Description
[-rebuild] Trigger a rebuild of the specified repository's index file or rebuild all repositories if none specified
[-add_ip] Add the specified IP into the specified repository Values: Either a path to the IP's component.xml or to a zip file containing the IP
[-delete_ip] Remove the specified IP from the specified repository Values: Either a path to the IP's component.xml or its VLNV
[-delete_mult_ip] Remove the specified IPs from the specified repository Values: A list of IPs; either paths to the component.xml files or their VLNVs
[-disable_ip] Disable the specified IP from the specified repository Values: Either a path to the IP's component.xml or its VLNV
[-enable_ip] Enable the specified disabled IP from the specified repository Values: Either a path to the IP's component.xml or its VLNV
[-add_interface] Add the specified interface into the specified repository Values: A path to the interface's xml file
[-create_index] Cache the specified repository's data on disk, to improve load time.
[-repo_path] Used in conjunction with rebuild, add_ip, delete_ip, delete_mult_ip, disable_ip or create_index to specify the path of the repository on which to operate
[-update_module_ref] Update module reference from their source (e.g. HDL file)
[-quiet] Ignore command errors
[-verbose] Suspend message limits during command execution




Update the IP catalog associated with the current design.

The Xilinx® IP catalog, or repository, is located in the installation hierarchy of the Vivado Design Suite software release being used. You can also add custom IP to the repository by using the set_property command to set the IP_REPO_PATHS property on the source fileset to point to the locations of custom IP, as shown in the example below.

The update_ip_catalog command lets you add, delete, disable, or enable individual IP cores in the catalog. When referring to individual cores, you can reference them by the path to the component.xml file, or by referencing the VLNV property of the IP.
Tip: The VLNV property refers to the Vendor:Library:Name:Version string which uniquely identifies the IP in the catalog.

This command returns a transcript of its process if successful, or returns an error if it fails.


-rebuild - (Optional) Rebuild the complete IP catalog index, or just rebuild the index for the IP repository specified by the -repo_path.

-add_ip <arg> - (Optional) Add an individual IP core to the specified IP repository. This argument requires the -repo_path argument to also be specified. The IP is specified as a path to the component.xml of the IP, or the path to a zip file containing the IP.

-delete_ip <arg> - (Optional) Remove an IP core from the specified IP repository. This argument requires the -repo_path argument to also be specified. The IP is specified as a path to the component.xml of the IP, or as the VLNV property of the IP.

-delete_mult_ip <arg> - (Optional) Remove the specified IP cores from the IP repository. This argument requires the -repo_path argument to also be specified. The IPs are specified either as paths to the component.xml files, or as the VLNV properties of the IP.

-disable_ip <arg> - (Optional) Disable an IP core from the specified IP repository. This argument requires the -repo_path argument to also be specified. The IP is specified as a path to the component.xml of the IP, or as the VLNV property of the IP.

-enable_ip <arg> - (Optional) Enable a previously disabled IP core from the specified repository. This argument requires the -repo_path argument to also be specified. The IP is specified as a path to the component.xml of the IP, or as the VLNV property of the IP.

-add_interface <arg> - (Optional) Specify the path to the XML file of a user-defined AXI interface to add to the IP repository.

-create_index - (Optional) Cache the specified repository's data on disk, to improve load time. This argument requires the -repo_path argument to also be specified.

-repo_path <arg> - (Optional) Used in conjunction with -rebuild, -add_ip, -delete_ip, -delete_mult_ip or -create_index to specify the directory name of an IP repository to operate on.
Important: The IP repository must have been previously added to the current source fileset using the set_property command to set the IP_REPO_PATH. See the example below.

-update_module_ref - (Optional) Refresh the block design cell or cells that reference module definitions from RTL source files by rereading a module definition from the source file.

-quiet - (Optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command. The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.
Note: Any errors encountered on the command-line, while launching the command, will be returned. Only errors occurring inside the command will be trapped.
-verbose - (Optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this command.
Note: Message limits can be defined with the set_msg_config command.


The following example sets the IP_REPO_PATHS property of the current Source fileset, to add an IP repository, then rebuilds the IP catalog index for the whole IP catalog:
set_property IP_REPO_PATHS C:/Data/IP_LIB [current_fileset]
update_ip_catalog -rebuild
This example disables the IP specified by its VLNV property from the specified IP repository:
update_ip_catalog -disable_ip {myCo.com:ip:custom_decoder:1.0} \
   -repo_path C:/Data/ip
This example disables the IP specified by the path to the component.xml file, from the IP repository:
update_ip_catalog -disable_ip C:/Data/ip/custom_encoder_1/component.xml \
-repo_path C:/Xilinx/Vivado/data/ip