Report on status of the routing.
report_route_status [‑return_nets] [‑return_string] [‑file <arg>] [‑append]
[‑of_objects <args>] [‑route_type <arg>] [‑list_all_nets] [‑show_all]
[‑dump_routes] [‑has_routing] [‑boolean_check <arg>] [‑ignore_cache]
[‑quiet] [‑verbose]
Name | Description |
Return a list of nets that match the given -route_type type |
Set the result of running the report in the Tcl interpreter's result variable |
Filename to output results to. (send output to console if -file is not used) |
Append the results to file, don't overwrite the results file |
Report detailed routing for these routes |
list full route information for every net in the design (ignored if -of_objects is used) |
list all relevant pins for routes marked as UNPLACED or PARTIAL routes and list all relevant nodes for routes marked as ANTENNAS or CONFLICTS routes (by default only the first 15 pins or nodes are listed for a route) |
show the full routing tree for every routed net in the design. This is VERY VERBOSE. |
returns 0 if there is no routing currently stored for this design and 1 if there is. All other options are ignored. |
returns 1 if the given flag is true and 0 if it is not. Value flags that can be checked are: PLACED_FULLY|PARTIALLY_ROUTED|ROUTED_FULLY|ERRORS_IN_ROUT ES. All other options are ignored (cannot be used with -has_routing). |
throw away all cached information and recalculate the route status for the entire design (slow) |
Ignore command errors |
Suspend message limits during command execution |
Reports the state of routing in the current design.
The route status report can include a wide range of information, from a simple 1 if the design has routing, to a complete route tree for each net in the design.
- (Optional) Returns a list of nets that can be processed by other Tcl commands. When the -return_nets argument is used, it is required to also use the -route_type argument with a valid route state.
, -of_objects
, -list_all_nets
, -dump_routes
, -has_routing
, or -boolean_check arguments
. This argument will not generate the report_route_status
- (Optional) Directs the output to a Tcl string rather than to the standard output. The Tcl string can be captured by a variable definition and parsed or otherwise processed.
option.-file <arg>
- (Optional) Write the report into the specified file. The specified file will be overwritten if one already exists, unless -append
is also specified.
- (Optional) Append the output of the command to the specified file rather than overwriting it.
option can only be used with the -file
<args> - (Optional) Report the full routing tree for the specified route, net, or xdef_net objects.
option requires objects to be specified using the get_*
commands, such as get_cells
or get_pins
, rather than specifying objects by name. In addition, -of_objects
cannot be used with a search <pattern>.
-route_type <arg>
- (Optional) Only show routes with the specified route status. Valid route states are:
- ANTENNAS - the net has antennas or islands. Antennas are connected routing that don't go to a valid load, islands are pieces of disconnected routing in the route tree.
- CONFLICTS - the net has conflicts (either multiple routes share the same node, or a site internally has a logical net driving a site pin and that site pin has routing to it from a different logical net, or a routed site reported that it was invalid).
- HIERPORT - the net has either no loads or no drivers and is also connected to a top level terminal port.
- INTRASITE (or INTERNAL) - is fully routed inside a site. No routing required.
- GAPS - the net has known gaps in the route tree.
- HAS_ROUTING - the net has a route tree associated with it.
- LOCKED_NODES (or FIXED) - the net has locked routing nodes in it.
- NODRIVER (or NO_DRIVERS) - the net has no drivers.
- NOLOADS (or NO_LOADS) - the net has no loads and so needs no routing.
- PARTIAL - the net has routing but is not fully routed.
- ROUTED - the net is fully routed with no errors.
- UNPLACED (or UNPLACED_PINS) - the net has any unplaced pins.
- UNPLACED_ALL - none of the pins for the net are placed.
- UNROUTED - the net needs to be routed but has no route data.
option is ignored if -of_objects
is also specified.-list_all_nets
- (Optional) Report summary route status for every net in the design, or those selected by -route_type
if it is given.
is specified.
- (Optional) Report all relevant pins for routes marked as UNPLACED or PARTIAL routes and list all relevant nodes for routes marked as ANTENNAS or CONFLICTS routes. As a default only the first 15 pins or nodes are listed for a given route.
- (Optional) Report the full routing tree for every routed net in the design.
- (Optional) Returns false (0) if the design is unrouted, and returns true (1) if the design has routing. All other options are ignored when -has_routing
is specified.
-boolean_check <arg>
- (Optional) Returns 1 if the specified design attribute is true, and returns 0 if it is not true. Design attributes that can be checked include: PLACED_FULLY, PARTIALLY_ROUTED, ROUTED_FULLY, ERRORS_IN_ROUTES.
or -return_nets
- (Optional) By default the report_route_status
command is iterative, and only updates the route information for new nets and routes as the design is implemented. This argument will cause the command to ignore the cached information and regenerate the report for the entire design.
- (Optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command. The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.
- (Optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this command.
report_route_status -of_objects [get_nets u4*]
show_objects [report_route_status -return_nets -route_type PARTIAL]