Gets the list of board_part pins object
get_board_part_pins [‑regexp] [‑nocase] [‑filter <arg>]
[‑of_objects <args>] [‑quiet] [‑verbose] [<patterns>...]
List of pins in the board_part.
Name | Description |
Patterns are full regular expressions |
Perform case-insensitive matching |
Filter list with expression |
Get 'board_component_pin' objects of these types: 'board_component_interface board_interface_port'. |
Ignore command errors |
Suspend message limits during command execution |
match board_part pin names against patterns Default: * Values: The default search pattern is the wildcard *, or .* when -regexp is specified. |
Gets a list of component pin objects on the current board part in use by the current project or design.
The board file, board.xml located in the data/boards folder of the Vivado Design Suite installation area, stores information regarding board attributes. The board provides a representation of the overall system that the Xilinx device is a part of, and can help define key aspects of the design, such as clock constraints, I/O port assignments, and supported interfaces. You can create custom boards by defining a custom Board Interface file, as described in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: System-Level Design Entry (UG895).
The board part provides a representation of the Xilinx device in the context of the board-level system, and is represented by the part0
component in the Board Interface file. The current_board_part
command returns the board part in use by the current project.
The board part pin represents the component pin of an implemented interface on the Xilinx device. The component pin includes properties like LOC, IOSTANDARD, and SLEW. Board part pins can be scalar or vector, so it is always represented as bitwise.
The board part pins can be used to define and place PORTS in the top-level FPGA design, using the create_port
and set_property PACKAGE_PIN
This command returns a list of component pins, or returns an error if it fails.
- (Optional) Specifies that the search <patterns> are written as regular expressions. Both search <patterns> and -filter
expressions must be written as regular expressions when this argument is used. Xilinx regular expression Tcl commands are always anchored to the start of the search string. You can add ".*" to the beginning or end of a search string to widen the search to include a substring. See for help with regular expression syntax.
is not anchored, and works as a standard Tcl command. For more information refer to
- (Optional) Perform case-insensitive matching when a pattern has been specified. This argument applies to the use of -regexp
<args> - (Optional) Filter the results list with the specified expression. The -filter
argument filters the list of objects returned by get_board_part_pins
based on property values on the board part pins. You can find the properties on an object with the report_property
or list_property
commands. For example:
report_property [get_board_part_pins RESET]
get_pins * -filter {DIRECTION == IN && NAME !~ "*RESET*"}
) type properties can be directly evaluated in filter expressions as true or not true: -filter {IS_PRIMITIVE && !IS_LOC_FIXED}
<args> - (Optional) Get the pin assignments of the specified board component interface objects, or board interface ports for the current board part.
option requires objects to be specified using the get_*
commands, such as get_cells
or get_pins
, rather than specifying objects by name. In addition, -of_objects
cannot be used with a search <pattern>.
- (Optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command. The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.
- (Optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this command.
get_board_part_pins -of [get_board_part_interfaces push_buttons_5bits]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN [get_property LOC \
[get_board_part_pins leds_8bits_TRI_O[1]]] [get_ports LEDS_n[1]]
set_property IOSTANDARD [get_property IOSTANDARD \
[get_board_part_pins leds_8bits_TRI_O[1]]] [get_ports LEDS_n[1]]
set boardPins [get_board_part_pins -of \
[get_board_part_interfaces -filter {NAME == led_8bits}]]
foreach pin $boardPins {puts "The location of $pin is: \
[get_property LOC $pin]"}
The location of leds_8bits_tri_o[0] is: AB8
The location of leds_8bits_tri_o[1] is: AA8
The location of leds_8bits_tri_o[2] is: AC9
The location of leds_8bits_tri_o[3] is: AB9
The location of leds_8bits_tri_o[4] is: AE26
The location of leds_8bits_tri_o[5] is: G19
The location of leds_8bits_tri_o[6] is: E18
The location of leds_8bits_tri_o[7] is: F16