The vai_q_caffe quantizer takes a floating-point model as an input model and uses a calibration dataset to generate a quantized model. In the following command line, [options] stands for optional parameters.
vai_q_caffe quantize -model float.prototxt -weights float.caffemodel [options]
The options supported by vai_q_caffe are shown in the following table. The three most commonly used options are weights_bit, data_bit, and method.
Name | Type | Optional | Default | Description |
model | String | Required | - |
Floating-point prototxt file (such as float.prototxt). |
weights | String | Required | - | The pre-trained floating-point weights (such as float.caffemodel). |
weights_bit | Int32 | Optional | 8 | Bit width for quantized weight and bias. |
data_bit | Int32 | Optional | 8 | Bit width for quantized activation. |
method | Int32 | Optional | 1 |
Quantization methods, including 0 for non-overflow and 1 for min-diffs. The non-overflow method ensures that no values are saturated during quantization. It is sensitive to outliers. The min-diffs method allows saturation for quantization to achieve a lower quantization difference. It is more robust to outliers and usually results in a narrower range than the non-overflow method. |
calib_iter | Int32 | Optional | 100 | Maximum iterations for calibration. |
auto_test | Bool | Optional | FALSE | Run test after calibration, test dataset required. |
test_iter | Int32 | Optional | 50 | Maximum iterations for testing. |
output_dir | String | Optional | quantize_results | Output directory for the quantized results. |
gpu | String | Optional | 0 | GPU device ID for calibration and test. |
ignore_layers | String | Optional | none | List of layers to ignore during quantization. |
ignore_layers_file | String | Optional | none | Protobuf file which defines the layers to ignore during quantization, starting with ignore_layers |
sigmoided_layers | String | Optional | none | List of layers before sigmoid operation, to be quantized with optimization for sigmoid accuracy |
input_blob | String | Optional | data | Name of input data blob |
keep_fixed_neuron | Bool | Optional | FALSE | Remain FixedNeuron layers in the deployed model. Set this flag if your targeting hardware platform is DPUv3 |