The following table lists the supported vai_q_tensorflow operations and APIs.
Type | Operation Type | tf.nn | tf.layers | tf.keras.layers |
Convolution | Conv2D DepthwiseConv2dNative |
atrous_conv2d conv2d conv2d_transpose depthwise_conv2d_native separable_conv2d |
Conv2D Conv2DTranspose SeparableConv2D
Conv2D Conv2DTranspose DepthwiseConv2D SeparaleConv2D |
Fully Connected | MatMul | / | Dense | Dense |
BiasAdd | BiasAdd Add |
bias_add | / | / |
Pooling | AvgPool Mean MaxPool |
avg_pool max_pool |
AveragePooling2D MaxPooling2D |
AveragePooling2D MaxPool2D |
Activation | ReLU ReLU6 Sigmoid Swish Hard-sigmoid Hard-swish |
relu relu6 leaky_relu swish |
/ | ReLU Leaky ReLU |
BatchNorm[#1] | FusedBatchNorm | batch_normalization batch_norm_with_global_normalization fused_batch_norm |
BatchNormalization | BatchNormalization |
Upsampling | ResizeBilinear ResizeNearestNeighbor |
/ | / | UpSampling2D |
Concat | Concat ConcatV2 |
/ | / | Concatenate |
Others | Placeholder Const Pad Squeeze Reshape ExpandDims Max Transpose |
dropout[#2] softmax[#3] depth_to_space |
Dropout[#2] Flatten |
Input Flatten Reshape Zeropadding2D Softmax |
Note: The list of operators supported by the Vitis AI quantizer is not the only limiting factor for model
deployment, and users should also review operator support for their selected DPU
architecture. Operators not supported by the DPU can be executed on the CPU. For
more information, see Supported Operators and DPU Limitations.