Error Codes - 3.5 English

Vitis AI User Guide (UG1414)

Document ID
Release Date
3.5 English
Table 1. Error Codes
Error Code ID Error Message
OPTIMIZER_DATA_PARALLEL_NOT_ALLOWED_ERROR torch.nn.DataParallel module is not allowed.
OPTIMIZER_INVALID_ANA_RESULT_ERROR Model analysis result is not valid. This is usually caused by PyTorch or Python version changes.
OPTIMIZER_TORCH_MODULE_ERROR The operation is not an instance of torch.nn.Module.
OPTIMIZER_NOT_EXCLUDE_NODE_ERROR Some nodes must be excluded from pruning.
OPTIMIZER_NO_ANA_RESULT_ERROR Model analysis results not found.
OPTIMIZER_SUBNET_ERROR Subnet candidates not found. Must do subnet searching first.
OPTIMIZER_UNSUPPORTED_OP_ERROR The operation is not supported yet.
OPTIMIZER_KERAS_MODEL_ERROR The given object is not an instance of keras.Model.
OPTIMIZER_KERAS_LAYER_ERROR The operation is not an instance of keras.Layer.
OPTIMIZER_DATA_FORMAT_ERROR The data format for saving weights is not allowed in pruning.
OPTIMIZER_INVALID_GRAPH The parsed graph is invalid.
OPTIMIZER_IO_ERROR IO error. Usually occurs during disk read/write.
OPTIMIZER_MODEL_ANALYSIS_ERROR An error occurred while performing model analysis.
OPTIMIZER_PARSE_GRAPH_FAILED Unable to parse the model to a computation graph.
OPTIMIZER_WEIGHTS_NOT_FOUND The weights for the operation can not be found.
QUANTIZER_TF2_INVALID_CALIB_DATASET Invalid calibration dataset
QUANTIZER_TORCH_BIAS_CORRECTION Bias correction file in quantization result directory does not match current model.
QUANTIZER_TORCH_CALIB_RESULT_MISMATCH Node name mismatch is found when loading quantization steps of tensors. Please ensure the vai_q_pytorch version and PyTorch version for test mode are the same as those in calibration (or QAT training) mode.
QUANTIZER_TORCH_EXPORT_ONNX The quantized module, which is based PyTorch traced model, can not be exported to ONNX due to PyTorch internal failure. The PyTorch internal failure reason is listed in message text. May needs adjust the float model code.
QUANTIZER_TORCH_EXPORT_XMODEL Fail to convert the graph to XMODEL. Needs to check the reasons in the message text.
QUANTIZER_TORCH_FAST_FINETINE Fast fine-tuned parameter file does not exist. Call load_ft_paramthe in the model code to load them.
QUANTIZER_TORCH_FIX_INPUT_TYPE Data type or value is illegal in arguments of quantization OP when exporting the ONNX model.
QUANTIZER_TORCH_ILLEGAL_BITWIDTH The configuration of tensor quantization is illegal. It should be an integer and in the range given in message text.
QUANTIZER_TORCH_IMPORT_KERNEL Importing vai_q_pytorch library file error. Check PyTorch version matching vai_q_pytorch version (pytorch_nndct.__version__) or not.
QUANTIZER_TORCH_NO_CALIB_RESULT Quantization result file does not exist. Check whether the calibration is done or not.
QUANTIZER_TORCH_NO_CALIBRATION Quantization calibration is not performed completely, check if module FORWARD function is called! FORWARD function of torch_quantizer.quant_model needs to be called in the user code explicitly. Please refer to the example code at
QUANTIZER_TORCH_NO_FORWARD torch_quantizer.quant_model FORWARD function must be called before exporting quantization result. Please refer to example code at
QUANTIZER_TORCH_OP_REGIST The type of OP can't be registered multiple times.
QUANTIZER_TORCH_PYTORCH_TRACE Failed to get PyTorch traced graph from model and input arguments. The PyTorch internal failure reason is reported in message text. May needs adjust float model code.
QUANTIZER_TORCH_QUANT_CONFIG Quantization configuration items are illegal. Refer to the message text.
QUANTIZER_TORCH_SHAPE_MISMATCH Tensors shape are mismatched. Refer to the message text.
QUANTIZER_TORCH_VERSION PyTorch version is not supported for the function or does not match vai_q_pytorch version (pytorch_nndct.__version__). Refer to the message text.
QUANTIZER_TORCH_XMODEL_BATCHSIZE Batch size must be 1 when exporting XMODEL.
QUANTIZER_TORCH_INSPECTOR_OUTPUT_FORMAT Inspector only supports dump SVG or PNG format.
QUANTIZER_TORCH_INSPECTOR_INPUT_FORMAT Inspector no longer supports the fingerprint. Please provide architecture name instead.
QUANTIZER_TORCH_UNSUPPORTED_OPS The quantization of the op is not supported.
QUANTIZER_TORCH_TRACED_NOT_SUPPORT The model produced by 'torch.jit.script' is not supported in vai_q_pytorch.
QUANTIZER_TORCH_NO_SCRIPT_MODEL vai_q_pytorch does not find any script model.
QUANTIZER_TORCH_REUSED_MODULE The quantized module has been called multiple times in forward pass. If you want to share quantized parameters in multiple calls, call trainable_model with "allow_reused_module=True"
QUANTIZER_TORCH_DATA_PARALLEL_NOT_ALLOWED torch.nn.DataParallel object is not allowed.
QUANTIZER_TORCH_INPUT_NOT_QUANTIZED Input is not quantized. Please use QuantStub/DeQuantStub to define quantization scope.
QUANTIZER_TORCH_NOT_A_MODULE Quantized operation must be instance of "torch.nn.Module". Replace the function by a "torch.nn.Module" object. Original source range is indicated in the message text.
QUANTIZER_TORCH_QAT_PROCESS_ERROR Must call "trainable_model" first before getting deployable model.
QUANTIZER_TORCH_QAT_DEPLOYABLE_MODEL_ERROR The given trained model has BN fused to CONV and cannot be converted to a deployable model. Make sure model.fuse_conv_bn() is not called.
QUANTIZER_TORCH_XMODEL_DEVICE XMODEL can only be exported in CPU mode, use deployable_model(src_dir, used_for_xmodel=True) to get a CPU model.
WEGO_TORCH_INVALID_ARGUMENT Invalid argument error
WEGO_TORCH_INVALID_MODEL Invalid model error
WEGO_TORCH_OUT_OF_RANGE Out of range error
XCOM_OP_CONV_PARAM_ERROR Convolution parameter out of range or error, including feature map height, width, depth, channel, dilation size, transposition size, kernel height, kernel width, stride height, stride width or padding left, right, top, bottom, depth or fixed-point shift range or other network designed parameters.
XCOM_OP_IO_TENSOR_TYPE_ERROR Error tensor type for IO operator such as load and save.
XCOM_OP_MEM_TYPE_ERROR The op's output tensor's memory type is error.
XCOM_OP_PAD_SMF_MISSING Failed to generate padding in pool since smf data missing.
XCOM_OP_POOL_SIZE_ERROR Failed to calculate pooling size with formula.
XCOM_OP_SIGMOID_HEIGHT_NE sigmoid operator need input and output have same height.
XCOM_OP_SIGMOID_WIDTH_NE sigmoid operator need input and output have same width.
XCOM_OP_SIGMOID_CHANNEL_NE sigmoid operator need input and output have same channel.
XCOM_OP_REORG_HEIGHT_NE reorg operator need input height and output height have scale multiple.
XCOM_OP_REORG_WIDTH_NE reorg operator need input width and output width have scale multiple.
XCOM_OP_REORG_CHANNEL_NE reorg operator need input channel and output channel have scale multiple.
XCOM_OP_REORG_CHANNEL_OVERFLOW feature channel size overflows regorg channel input.
XCOM_OP_TYPE_UNMATCH unmatch operator type, it could be unknown operator or inappropriate suffix operator type.
XCOM_OP_TYPE_ERROR op involved type error, unrecognized op involved type here.
XCOM_TILING_SIZE_ERROR Tiling bank group size not enough and tiling failed. Perhaps input tensor or kernel size is too large or tiling bank aligned has calculation fault.
XCOM_DPUOP_DATA_SIZE_ERROR Size not enough or unaligned while mapping smf onto banks with channel, width, depth, height, stride_h and other dimension incompatible. Please check bank info
XCOM_ACGEN_POOL_KERNEL_OUTRANGE Pooling layer kernel size out of range. check network design or input data size.
XCOM_OP_NONLINEAR_TYPE_ERROR Error of operator non-linear type.
XCOM_ACGEN_UNSUPPORT_QUANTIZATION Unsupport quantization bit shift while assembly code generation.
XCOM_ACGEN_NONLINEAR_TYPE_ERROR Unrecognized or unmatched type of non-linear type while assembly code generation
XCOM_ACGEN_BANK_IO_ERROR Bank input or output addr count error while assembly code generation, it may exceed hardware capapcity.
XCOM_ACGEN_PRELU_ERROR parameter-relu data info error while convolution assembly code generating, might be error with parameter data input width or number error.
XCOM_ACGEN_CONV_WEIGHTS_OC_NE Convolution output channel number should be equal to convolution weights input, if not, check data life-circle.
XCOM_ACGEN_BANK_OC_WEIGHTS_UNALIGNED Weights bank address need be aligned to convolution output channel.
XCOM_BANK_UNALIGNED_ADDRESSING Trying to address in the middle of bank addr which is illegal, bank addressing only support aligned operation, for example, stride or address mod 16 == 0.
XCOM_ACGEN_CONV_FAKE_WEIGHTS_BANKID Convolution weights input bank id need be equal to base bank id, check bank assignation of weights.
XCOM_ACGEN_CONV_FAKE_BIAS_BANKID Convolution bias input bank id need be equal to base bank id, check bank assignation of bias.
XCOM_ACGEN_CONV_OCG_WEIGHTS_CNT_NE Convolution weights input number need be equal to output channel group size, check weights input number.
XCOM_ACGEN_KERNEL_ALL_PAD kernel are fulfilled with pad value, this is an unexpected situation, check kernel size and dilation value.
XCOM_ACGEN_BANK_ADDR_IN_OUTRANGE Bank address input number need be ordered in hardware limitation.
XCOM_ACGEN_BANK_ADDR_OUT_OUTRANGE Bank address output number need be ordered in hardware limitation.
XCOM_ACGEN_ELEW_IO_ERROR Element wise operator have more than hardware capability input number, or, input and output number is not equal. check bank assignation.
XCOM_ACGEN_ELEW_IO_CHANNEL_NE Element wise operator need input and output have same channel group size.
XCOM_ACGEN_ELEW_IO_LENGTH_NE Element wise operator need input and output have same length.
XCOM_ACGEN_MUL_IO_ERROR mul operator have more than hardware capability input number, or, input and output number is not equal. check bank assignation.
XCOM_ACGEN_INPUT_MISSING Operator assembly code generation input bank address missing, check bank assignation.
XCOM_ACGEN_BLOB_MISSING Blob shifting failed because cannot find specific blob id in blob area. check blob assignation.
XCOM_ACGEN_OUTPUT_MISSING Operator assembly code generation ouptut bank address missing, check bank assignation.
XCOM_ACGEN_IO_TUPLE_NE Some operator need input and output number be equal but here is not. check bank assignation.
XCOM_ACGEN_WEIGHTS_NOT_UNIQ Some operator need uniq weights input bank, check bank assignation.
XCOM_ACGEN_PRELU_NOT_UNIQ Some operator need uniq prelu input bank, check bank assignation.
XCOM_ACGEN_PARAM_NOT_UNIQ Some operator need uniq param input bank like sigmoid, check bank aggregation.
XCOM_ACGEN_BIAS_NOT_UNIQ Some operator need uniq bias input bank, check bank assignation.
XCOM_ACGEN_V3ME_BANK_MISSING Operator's dest bank have no virtual bank or constant bank, on v3me conv operator at least need 1 type of bank.
XCOM_ACGEN_IC_WEIGHTS_CHANNEL_NE Depth operator input channel and weights channel are not equal, check bank assignation or network structure.
XCOM_ACGEN_BIAS_WEIGHTS_CHANNEL_NE Depth operator weighs channel and bias channel are not equal, check bank assignation.
XCOM_ACGEN_INVALIDE_STATUS Compiler internal error, some status is invalid for assembly code generation like object was not inited, missing input or output data on dpu bank. check data flow and code logic.
XCOM_ACGEN_BANK_JUMP_READ_ERROR The bank cannot jump read.
XCOM_ACGEN_BANK_JUMP_WRITE_ERROR The bank cannot jump write.
XCOM_OP_ARGMAX_IO_HEIGHT_NE argmax need input and output have equal height.
XCOM_OP_ARGMAX_IO_WIDTH_NE argmax need input and output have equal width.
XCOM_OP_ARGMAX_IO_DEPTH_NE argmax need input and output have equal depth.
XCOM_OP_ARGMAX_OC_NOT_UNIQ argmax need output channel is 1.
XCOM_OP_CONCAT_IO_CHANNEL_NE concat operator need input and output channel equal.
XCOM_OP_CORR_ELT_MUL_OUTPUT_ERROR correlation eltwise multiply output depth calculate error.
XCOM_OP_CORR_ELT_MUL_IO_HEIGHT_NE Correlation eltwise multiply need input height is equal to output height
XCOM_OP_CORR_ELT_MUL_IO_WIDTH_NE Correlation eltwise multiply need input width is equal to output width
XCOM_OP_CORR_ELT_MUL_IO_CHANNEL_NE Correlation eltwise multiply need input channel is equal to output channel
XCOM_OP_CORR_ELT_MUL_INPUT_CHANNEL_NE Correlation eltwise multiply need all input channel are equal
XCOM_OP_COST_STRIDE_OUTPUT_DEPTH_NE Cost operator need stride is equal to output depth
XCOM_OP_COST_IO_HEIGHT_NE Cost operator need input and output have same height
XCOM_OP_COST_IO_WIDTH_NE Cost operator need input and output have same width
XCOM_OP_COST_INPUT_DEPTH_NOT_UNIQ Cost operator need input depth = 1
XCOM_OP_COST_IO_CHANNEL_NE Cost operator need input channel = 1/2 output channel
XCOM_OP_DOWNSAMPLE_IO_HEIGHT_NE downsample need input height ceiling divide scale height equal to output height
XCOM_OP_DOWNSAMPLE_IO_WIDTH_NE downsample need input width ceiling divide scale width equal to output width
XCOM_OP_DOWNSAMPLE_IO_CHANNEL_NE downsample need input and output channel equal.
XCOM_OP_TDPTCONV3D_ICG_NOT_ENOUGH Transposed depth conv 3d input channel group mult channel parallel is less than feature channel size.
XCOM_OP_TDPTCONV3D_KERNEL_HEIGHT_OVERFLOW Transposed depth conv 3d kernel height overflow.
XCOM_OP_TDPTCONV3D_KERNEL_WIDTH_OVERFLOW Transposed depthconv 3d kernel width overflow.
XCOM_OP_TDPTCONV3D_KERNEL_DEPTH_OVERFLOW Transposed depth conv 3d kernel depth overflow.
XCOM_OP_TDPTCONV3D_STRIDE_HEIGHT_OVERFLOW Transposed depth conv 3d stride height overflow.
XCOM_OP_TDPTCONV3D_STRIDE_WIDTH_OVERFLOW Transposed depth conv 3d stride width overflow.
XCOM_OP_TDPTCONV3D_STRIDE_DEPTH_OVERFLOW Transposed depth conv 3d stride depth overflow.
XCOM_OP_TDPTCONV3D_OCG_NOT_ENOUGH Transposed depth conv 3d output channel group mult channel parallel is less than feature channel size.
XCOM_OP_DPTCONV_IC_WEIGHT_DEPTH_NE depth conv need kernel mult input channel group equal to weight bank depth
XCOM_OP_DPTCONV3D_KERNEL_HEIGHT_OVERFLOW depth conv 3d kernel height overflow.
XCOM_OP_DPTCONV3D_KERNEL_WIDTH_OVERFLOW depth conv 3d kernel width overflow.
XCOM_OP_DPTCONV3D_KERNEL_DEPTH_OVERFLOW depth conv 3d kernel depth overflow.
XCOM_OP_DPTCONV3D_STRIDE_HEIGHT_OVERFLOW depth conv 3d stride height overflow.
XCOM_OP_DPTCONV3D_STRIDE_WIDTH_OVERFLOW depth conv 3d stride width overflow.
XCOM_OP_DPTCONV3D_STRIDE_DEPTH_OVERFLOW depth conv 3d stride depth overflow.
XCOM_OP_DPTCONV3D_OCG_NOT_ENOUGHT depth conv 3d output channel group mult channel parallel is less than feature channel size.
XCOM_OP_THRESHOLD_HEIGHT_NE Threshold operator needs input and output have same height.
XCOM_OP_THRESHOLD_WIDTH_NE Threshold operator needs input and output have same width.
XCOM_OP_THRESHOLD_CHANNEL_NE Threshold operator needs input and output have same channel.
XCOM_OP_TILE_HEIGHT_NE Tile operator needs input and output height have scale multiple relationship.
XCOM_OP_TILE_WIDTH_NE Tile operator needs input and output width have scale multiple relationship.
XCOM_OP_TILE_CHANNEL_NE Tile operator needs input and output channel have scale multiple relationship.
XCOM_OP_UPSAMPLE_HEIGHT_NE upsample operator needs input and output height have scale multiple relationship.
XCOM_OP_UPSAMPLE_WIDTH_NE upsample operator needs input and output width have scale multiple relationship.
XCOM_OP_UPSAMPLE_CHANNEL_NE upsample operator needs input and output channel have scale multiple relationship.
XCOM_OP_ELEW_IO_CHANNEL_NE element wise operator needs input and output channel equal
XCOM_OP_ELEW3D_IO_CHANNEL_NE element wise 3d operator needs input and output channel equal
XCOM_OP_MUL_IO_HEIGHT_NE mul operator needs input and output have same height.
XCOM_OP_MUL_IO_WIDTH_NE mul operator needs input and output have same width.
XCOM_OP_MUL_IO_DEPTH_NE mul operator needs input and output have same depth.
XCOM_OP_MUL_IO_CHANNEL_NE mul operator needs input and output have same height.
XCOM_OP_MVR_IO_HEIGHT_NE mvr operator needs input and output have same height.
XCOM_OP_MVR_IO_WIDTH_NE mvr operator needs input and output have same width.
XCOM_OP_MVR_IO_DEPTH_NE mvr operator needs input and output have same depth.
XCOM_OP_MVR_IO_CHANNEL_NE mvr operator needs input and output have same height.
XCOM_OP_CONV_KERNEL_WIDTH_OVERFLOW Kernel width is larger than input width plus padding. that makes window cannot slide
XCOM_OP_CONV_KERNEL_HEIGHT_OVERFLOW Kernel height is larger than input height plus padding. that makes window cannot slide, or, out of hardware limitation
XCOM_OP_CONV_STRIDE_WIDTH_OVERFLOW Kernel width is larger than input width plus padding. that makes window cannot slide, or, out of hardware limitation
XCOM_OP_CONV_STRIDE_HEIGHT_OVERFLOW Kernel height is larger than input height plus padding. that makes window cannot slide, or, out of hardware limitation
XCOM_OP_CONV_KERNEL_DEPTH_OVERFLOW Kernel depth is larger than input height plus padding. that makes window cannot slide, or, out of hardware limitation
XCOM_OP_TCONV3D_KERNEL_HEIGHT_OVERFLOW Kernel height is larger than input height plus padding. that makes window cannot slide, or, out of hardware limitation
XCOM_OP_TCONV3D_STRIDE_WIDTH_OVERFLOW Kernel width is larger than input width plus padding. that makes window cannot slide, or, out of hardware limitation
XCOM_OP_TCONV3D_STRIDE_HEIGHT_OVERFLOW Kernel height is larger than input height plus padding. that makes window cannot slide, or, out of hardware limitation
XCOM_OP_TCONV3D_KERNEL_DEPTH_OVERFLOW Kernel depth is larger than input height plus padding. that makes window cannot slide, or, out of hardware limitation
XCOM_OP_TCONV3D_DILATION_HEIGHT_OVERFLOW Dilation height is too large for input height
XCOM_OP_TCONV3D_DILATION_WIDTH_OVERFLOW Dilation height is too large for input height
XCOM_OP_TCONV3D_DILATION_DEPTH_OVERFLOW Dilation height is too large for input height
XCOM_OP_TCONV3D_ICG_WEIGHT_DEPTH_OVERFLOW Input channel group stride overflows the weight bank depth.
XCOM_OP_CONV_DILATION_WIDTH_ALL_PAD Padding width too large for dilation. Make all value in slide window are padding without input.
XCOM_OP_CONV_DILATION_HEIGHT_ALL_PAD padding height too large for dilation, make all value in slide window are padding without input.
XCOM_OP_CONV_DILATION_DEPTH_ALL_PAD padding depth too large for dilation, make all value in slide window are padding without input.
XCOM_OP_CONV_STRIDE_OVERFLOW input channel stride overflow the weight bank depth.
XCOM_OP_TCONV3D_KENREL_DEPTH_OVERLARGE kernel depth too large covering all feature input and padding, that makes window cannot slide. Or, out f hardware limitation.
XCOM_OP_TCONV3D_KENREL_WIDTH_OVERLARGE kernel width too large covering all feature input and padding, that makes window cannot slide. Or, out f hardware limitation.
XCOM_OP_TCONV3D_KENREL_HEIGHT_OVERLARGE kernel height too large covering all feature input and padding, that makes window cannot slide. Or, out f hardware limitation.
XCOM_OP_TCONV3D_DILATION_WIDTH_ALL_PAD padding width too large for dilation, makes all value in slide window are padding without input feature.
XCOM_OP_TCONV3D_DILATION_HEIGHT_ALL_PAD padding height too large for dilation, makes all value in slide window are padding without input feature.
XCOM_OP_TCONV3D_DILATION_DEPTH_ALL_PAD padding depth too large for dilation, makes all value in slide window are padding without input feature.
XCOM_ACGEN_CONV_ERROR error parameters while generating convolution, like some convolution parameter exceed hardware limitation or unexpected middle result generated.
XCOM_BANK_CONV_ERROR error banking status or behavior for convolution operation wile generating assembly code. check conv op data flow and tensor aggregation.
XCOM_BANK_INVALID_ID invalid id while parsing for finding bank id. check bank name in target_factory.
XCOM_STR_PARSE_FAILED Failed to parse specific string, perhaps it's an illegal string or empty string.
XCOM_DATA_SEGMENT_FAULT data tensor or const tensor index exceed max tensor size, check index value.
XCOM_OP_CONFIG_MISSING Failed to get specific op config. check op type config file.
XCOM_AIE_TARGET_INIT_FAILED Failed to init aie target.
XCOM_AIE_SHIMTILE_OVERFLOW aie tiling shim index or shim size out of range.
XCOM_AIE_MEMTILE_OVERFLOW aie tiling memory index or memory size out of range.
XCOM_AIE_AIETILE_OVERFLOW aie tiling index or bd index out of range.
XCOM_AIE_OUT_OF_BD cannot find free bd for mem tiling.
XCOM_SLNODE_UNREGISTED slnode target, type, name, or any info unregistered.
XCOM_INVOKE_BASE An improper function invoking occurred!
XCOM_VALUE_UNMATCH The value is not supposed!
XCOM_MEANINGLESS_VALUE The value is meaningless.
XCOM_SIZE_UNMATCH The object's size is not matching the requirement.
XCOM_OPERATOR_UNSUPPORT This operator is not supposed!
XCOM_LEAF_SUBGRAPH_REQUIRED Here requires a leaf subgraph.
XCOM_UNACCEPTABLE_SUBGRAPH The subgraph is not allowed or meeting the requirements.
XCOM_PASS_MISS Some compiler pass is missed.
XCOM_PASS_DEPENDENCY Something wrong about pass dependency.
XCOM_DEBUGMANAGER_NOT_RECORDING Invalid status for DebugManager recording.
XCOM_NO_PASS_RECORDED No Pass has been recorded in DebugManager.
XCOM_DDR_ADDR_ASSIGNMENT_FAILED DDR address assignment is failed.
XCOM_DDR_PARAM_SPACE_INITIALIZTION_SIZE_ERROR DDR parameter space initialization size error. Please contact us.
XCOM_UNIMPLEMENT This part of function is unimplemented.
XCOM_UNDEFINED_STATE This behavior is undefined.
XCOM_EXECUTE_SYSTEM_CMD_FAILED Error occurred when execute the system command.
XCOM_TENSOR_DIMENSION_UNMATCH The tensor dimension is unexpected.
XCOM_DATA_OUTRANGE Data value is out of range!
XCOM_TYPE_UNMATCH Unmatched type!
XCOM_ITEM_UNDEFINED The requested item was not found or defined!
XCOM_OPERATION_FAILED The supposed operation is failed!
XCOM_DIR_OPEN_FILE_FAILED The file can't be read or can't access it.
XCOM_INVALID_GRAPH Subgraph is null or error subgraph type like cpu subgraph using for dpu
XCOM_UNREGISTED_STRATEGY This error code only used in dead code
XCOM_INVALID_ARCH_PARAM This error code only used in dead code
XCOM_ACGEN_ERROR Instruction generating fail, contact us.
XCOM_UNEXPECTED_VALUE Inappropriate value at this place like nullptr or non-one value
XCOM_UNEXPECTED_ARCH Unknown architecture name, check target_factory
XCOM_ARCH_UNREGISTED Unknown architecture name, check target_factory
XCOM_ARCH_INVALID_NAME Failed to file arch name in config dict, target factory or arch name serialization, check arch name.
XCOM_FILE_NOT_EXISTS The file is not exists
XCOM_TARGET_REQUIRED The compiler requires the target.
XCOM_GRAPH_REQUIRED The compiler requires an input graph.
XCOM_LOGICAL_CONDITION_ERROR The logical condition is wrong.
XCOM_INVALID_SUPERLAYER The superlayer subgraph is invalid.
XCOM_UNSUPPORT_QUANTIZATION The fix info is error or unsupported.
XCOM_SWIM_NODE_TYPE_ERROR mismatch slnode type
XCOM_SWIM_OUTPUT_MISSING swim lane output bank smf missing.
XCOM_SWIM_UNDEFINED_TYPE undefined swim program or lane type.
XCOM_ALLOCATE_BANK_FAIL XCompiler occurs error when allocating bank. Please contact us.
XCOM_TILING_FAIL XCompiler occurs error when tiling. Please contact us.
XCOM_PM_FAIL The compiler occurs an error when generating instructions, contact us.
XCOM_SUBGRAPH_ATTR_MISSING The subgraph attribute is missing.
XCOM_ASSIGN_OUTPUT_OPS_FAILED Assign output ops failed.
XCOM_DDR_REG_ID_SIZE_UNMATCH The DDR reg id size unmatch. Please contact us.
XCOM_DDR_OPTIMIZATION_0_FAILED DDR assignment optimization failed (code 0). Please contact us.
XCOM_DDR_OPTIMIZATION_1_FAILED DDR assignment optimization failed (code 1). Please contact us.
XCOM_TRANSPOSED_CONV_WEIGHTS_DDR_OPTIMIZATION_ERROR DDR assignment optimization failed during optimizing the transposed convolution's weights. Please contact us.
XCOM_DIRECTORY_EXIST The directory is existing, can't be created multiple times.
XCOM_DIRECTORY_NOT_EXIST The directory is not existing.
XCOM_INVALID_COMPILE_MODE The compile mode is not supported now.
XCOM_DPU_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED error mapping smfs onto dpu banks since error input group of smfs like no specific type (data, const data (weights, bias ...)) found in given Smf group. Or unaligned smf info on data width, height or their stride, channel and channel group stride. Unaligned smfs cannot be aggregated on aggregation dimension.
XCOM_UNSUPPORT_NONLIEAR_TYPE The nonlinear type is unsupported by DPU.
XCOM_PAD_KERNEL_SIZE_UNMATCH The pad size is not correct comparing with the kernel size.
XCOM_DATA_DEPENDCY_MISSING Generate code failed.
XCOM_MULTIPLE_WEIGHTS There are more than one weights for some ops.
XCOM_MULTIPLE_BIAS There are more than one bias for some ops.
XCOM_MULTIPLE_PRELU There are more than oen prelu for some ops.
XCOM_TOO_MANY_INPUTS There are too many inputs for the op.
XCOM_TENSOR_SHAPE_UNMATCH Tensor shapes for some ops are not matching.
XCOM_UNSUPPORT_KERNEL_SIZE The op's kernel size is not supported.
XCOM_CODE_GEN_ERROR Code generation fail.
XCOM_UNSUPPORT_ROUND_MODE The round mode is not supported.
XCOM_ADDITION_OVERFLOW The addition is overflow.
XCOM_INT_COMPOSITION_INVALID_RANGE The integer composition's output range constraint is invalid. Please contact us.
XCOM_TO_XINT_DATA_SIZE_UNMATCH The input data vector's size is unmatching with the xint's bit width
XCOM_REVERT_XINT_DATA_SIZE_UNMATCH The input data vector's size is unmatching with the xint's original bit width.
XCOM_DWCONV_PARAM_REORDER_SIZE_UNMATCH size unmatching occurred during reordering the DepthwiseConv2d's parameter.
XCOM_CONV_PARAM_REORDER_SIZE_UNMATCH size unmatching occured during reordering the Conv2d's parameter.
XCOM_AIE_CORE_NUM_MISMATCH The config of aie core number mismatchs.
XCOM_AIE_TIMING_CONFIG_MISMATCH The config inside aie timing calculating mismatchs.
XCOM_AIE_TILING_FAIL There is not enough bank space inside AIE local memory for this tensor
XCOM_AIE_UNSUPPORTED_OP Unsupported op for aie tiling
XCOM_PARTITIONENGINE_HINTS_ERROR The partition engine's hints are invalid. Please contact us.
XCOM_PARSE_FAIL Failed to parse structured data!
XCOM_PARTITION_REPEATED_REGISTRATION Repeated checker registration for the op_type and arch_type in partition.
XCOM_GET_CHANNEL_FAILED xGet channel failed.
XCOM_GET_PACKET_ID_FAILED xGet packet id failed.
XCOM_GET_PACKET_TYPE_FAILED xGet packet type failed.
XCOM_GET_LOCK_ID_FAILED xGet lock id failed.
XCOM_GET_BD_FAILED xGet bd failed.
XCOM_SMF_SPEC_MISSING no found such spec for the smf
XCOM_SMF_MISSING no found such smf
XCOM_SMF_Y_SIZE_ERROR smf y direction size overflow bank height with padding.
XCOM_SMF_C_SIZE_ERROR channel direction smf need height = 1, width = 1, pad top and bottom = 0.
XCOM_SMF_COORDINATE_ERROR smf on coordinate have error size or missing.
XCOM_SMF_CONCAT_ERROR smf on concatenate have error size or missing.
XCOM_SMF_BIAS_ERROR bias smf size error or missing.
XCOM_SMF_PARAM_ERROR param smf size error or missing.
XCOM_SMF_TYPE_ERROR error smf type.
XCOM_SMF_TENSOR_TYPE_ERROR tensor type error while smf arrangment
XCOM_SMF_RESERVED_ERROR smf dynamic size error or missing or addressing failed.
XCOM_SMF_BANK_MANAGEMENT_ERROR error happens in bank management, error name addressing or missing.
XCOM_BANK_SMF_EXIST smf name already exists in bank.
XCOM_BANK_ADDR_MISSING bank addressing missing.
XCOM_BANK_ADDR_OVERFLOW bank addressing overflow.
XCOM_BANK_ADDR_ERROR bank block addr have error sequence or non-exist addressing.
XCOM_USER_FILE_NOT_EXISTS The file does not exist
XCOM_USER_FILE_OPERATION_ERR The file operation failed
XCOM_USER_INVALID_COMPILE_MODE The compile mode is not supported now.
XCOM_USER_DIRECTORY_NOT_EXIST The directory does not exist, create it first.
XCOM_USER_DIRECTORY_ALREADY_EXIST The directory already exist, remove it first.
XCOM_USER_INVALID_CMD_PARAM Invalid cmdline parameter
XCOM_USER_INVALID_TARGET Invalid DPU target is given by cmdline.
XCOM_USER_INVALID_OUTPUT_OPS The output ops user specified can't be found in the network. Please check the op names.
XCOM_USER_INVALID_OUTPUT_TENSORS The output tensors user specified can't be found in the network. Please check the tensor names.
XCOM_USER_UNSUPPORTED_SYSTEM The function is not supported by current operating system.
XCOM_PASS_DEPENDENCY_ERROR Something wrong about pass dependency.
XCOM_PASS_UNREGISTERED Pass has not been registered.
XCOM_PASS_NULL_POINTER Accessing of uninitialized object or pointer
XCOM_PASS_TARGET_UNIMPLEMENTED The target has not been implemented yet.
XCOM_PASS_GRAPH_ATTR_MISSING Necessary attribution has not been set for the graph.
XCOM_PASS_OP_INVALID_ATTR The parameter of the operator is invalid. Please check the input network.
XCOM_PASS_OP_ATTR_MISMATCH The parameter of the operator is unexpected.
XCOM_PASS_INVALID_BLOB_NUMBER Blob number of the operator is invalid. Please check the input network.
XCOM_PASS_OP_ATTR_MISSING The requisite parameter is missing. Please check input network.
XCOM_PASS_TENSOR_SIZE_ERROR Size of the tensor is invalid. Please check input network.
XCOM_PASS_TENSOR_SIZE_MISMATCH Size mismatch between correlative tensors.
XCOM_PASS_TENSOR_DIMS_MISMATCH Dimensions of the tensor is unexpected.
XCOM_COMGRAPH_OP_MISSING The op is missing in specific graph.
XCOM_COMGRAPH_OP_CONNECTION_MISSING The connection is missing in the graph.
XCOM_COMGRAPH_OP_CONNECTION_INVALID The connection between two specific op is unexpected. Check input network.
XCOM_COMGRAPH_ATTR_NOT_ASSIGNED The requisite attribution of xcomgraph has not be assigned.
XCOM_COMGRAPH_GRAPH_INVALID_STRUCTURE There is a unexpected pattern in the graph. Please check the input network.
XCOM_COMGRAPH_BANK_UNEXPECTED_STATE Bank assignment is rejected by a particular subgraph.
XCOM_COMGRAPH_BANK_INFO_MISMATCH Bank requirement mismatch between 2 ops.
XCOM_FRONTEND_NULL_POINTER Accessing of uninitialized object or pointer
XCOM_FRONTEND_UNEXPECTED_STATE A impossible state occurs. There might be a logical error of programming.
XCOM_FRONTEND_GRAPH_OP_MISSING The op is missing in specific graph.
XCOM_FRONTEND_GRAPH_TEMPLATE_MISMATCH Pattern mismatch between template and replacing process.
XCOM_FRONTEND_GRAPH_LEVEL_MISMATCH A unsuitable level of graph is given for current function.
XCOM_FRONTEND_GRAPH_ATTR_MISSING Necessary attribution has not been set for the graph.
XCOM_FRONTEND_GRAPH_INVALID_STRUCTURE There is a unexpected pattern in the graph. Please check the input network.
XCOM_FRONTEND_OP_INVALID_ATTR The parameter of the operator is invalid. Please check the input network.
XCOM_FRONTEND_OP_INVALID_BLOB_NUMBER Blob number of the operator is invalid. Please check the input network.
XCOM_FRONTEND_OP_UNSUPPORTED_BLOB_NUMBER Blob number of the operator is unsupported by target DPU.
XCOM_FRONTEND_OP_UNSUPPORTED_ATTR An attribution of the operator is unsupported by target DPU.
XCOM_FRONTEND_OP_UNSUPPORTED_MODE The mode has not been implemented for specific operator.
XCOM_FRONTEND_OP_UNSUPPORTED_NONLIEAR The nonlinear(or activation) is unsupported by target DPU
XCOM_FRONTEND_OP_UNSUPPORTED The operator has not been implemented by target DPU.
XCOM_FRONTEND_OP_ATTR_MISMATCH The parameter of the operator is unexpected.
XCOM_FRONTEND_QUANT_ATTR_MISSING Quantizing information for the op is mission
XCOM_FRONTEND_QUANT_ATTR_OUT_OF_RANGE The shiftbit for quantizing is out of range, that the range is restricted by target DPU.
XCOM_FRONTEND_TENSOR_DIMS_MISMATCH Dimensions of the tensor is unexpected.
XCOM_FRONTEND_TENSOR_SHAPE_MISMATCH Shape mismatch between 2 correlative tensors.
XCOM_FRONTEND_TENSOR_SIZE_MISMATCH Size mismatch between 2 correlative tensors.
XCOM_FRONTEND_DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH Data type mismatch between 2 correlative tensors.
XCOM_FRONTEND_BITWIDTH_MISMATCH The bit width of the tensor is unexpected.
XCOM_GENINST_NULL_POINTER Accessing of uninitialized object or pointer
XCOM_GENINST_INVALID_VALUE A invalid value is given for specific function.
XCOM_GENINST_GRAPH_INVALID_STRUCTURE There is a unexpected pattern in the graph. Please check the input network.
XCOM_GENINST_OP_UNSUPPORTED The operator has not been implemented by target dpu.
XCOM_GENINST_OP_UNSUPPORTED_MODE The mode has not been implemented for specific operator.
XCOM_GENINST_OP_UNSUPPORTED_NONLIEAR The nonlinear(or activation) is unsupported by target DPU
XCOM_GENINST_OP_INVALID_BLOB_NUMBER Blob number of the operator is invalid. Please check the input network.
XCOM_GENINST_TARGET_UNIMPLEMENTED The target has not been implemented yet.
XCOM_GENINST_TARGET_BANK_ERR No output bank associated with current op within target DPU.
XCOM_GENINST_GRAPH_TEMPLATE_MISMATCH Pattern mismatch between template and replacing process.
XCOM_GENINST_BANK_INFO_MISMATCH Bank requirement mismatch between 2 ops.
XCOM_GENINST_TILING_FAIL Failed to get a available tiling scheme.
XCOM_GENINST_CODE_GEN_ERROR Code generation fail.
XCOM_OPFACTORY_ILLEGAL_NAME The object name is illegal.
XCOM_OPFACTORY_UNEXPECTED_STATE A impossible state occurs. There might be a logical error of programming.
XCOM_OPFACTORY_GRAPH_INVALID_STRUCTURE There is a unexpected pattern in the graph. Please check the input network.
XCOM_OPFACTORY_OP_INVALID_BLOB_NUMBER Blob number of the operator is invalid. Please check the input network.
XCOM_OPFACTORY_OP_UNSUPPORTED_BLOB_NUMBER Blob number of the operator is unsupported by target DPU.
XCOM_OPFACTORY_OP_UNSUPPORTED_MODE The mode has not been implemented for specific operator.
XCOM_OPFACTORY_OP_UNSUPPORTED_NONLIEAR_TYPE The nonlinear(or activation) is unsupported by target DPU
XCOM_OPFACTORY_OP_UNSUPPORTED The operator has not been implemented by target DPU.
XCOM_OPTIMIZE_GRAPH_INVALID_STRUCTURE There is a unexpected pattern in the graph. Please check the input network.
XCOM_OPTIMIZE_GRAPH_OPERATION_FAILED A graphic problem has caused by graphic operation.
XCOM_OPTIMIZE_OP_UNSUPPORTED_ATTR An attribution of the operator is unsupported by target DPU.
XCOM_OPTIMIZE_OP_INVALID_BLOB_NUMBER Blob number of the operator is invalid. Please check the input network.
XCOM_OPTIMIZE_TENSOR_SHAPE_INVALID Tensor shape is invalid. Please check the input network.
XCOM_OPTIMIZE_TARGET_BANK_ERR No output bank associated with current op within target DPU.
XCOM_OPTIMIZE_OP_ATTR_MISMATCH The parameter of the operator is unexpected.
XCOM_UTIL_NULL_POINTER Accessing of uninitialized object or pointer
XCOM_UTIL_OPERATION_DENIED The operation is not permitted.
XCOM_UTIL_PARSE_FAIL Failed to parse structured data.
XCOM_UTIL_OP_UNSUPPORTED_NONLIEAR_TYPE The nonlinear(or activation) is unsupported by target DPU
XCOM_UTIL_OP_UNSUPPORTED The operator has not been implemented by target DPU.
XCOM_UTIL_TENSOR_DIMS_MISMATCH Dimensions of the tensor is unexpected.
XCOM_UTIL_TENSOR_SHAPE_INVALID Tensor shape is invalid. Please check the input network.
XCOM_UTIL_DATA_TYPE_INVALID Data type is invalid for current context.
XCOM_UTIL_ATTR_OUT_OF_RANGE The value is out of range.
XCOM_UTIL_INVALID_VALUE A invalid value is given for specific function.
XCOM_UTIL_INVALID_VALUE_RANGE The data range is illegal.
XCOM_UTIL_ADDITION_OVERFLOW The addition is overflow.
XCOM_UTIL_DATA_SIZE_MISMATCH Size mismatch between 2 data chunk.
XCOM_UTIL_BANK_ALLOC_FAILED Failed to get a available scheme of bank assignment.
XCOM_BANKASSIGN_GRAPH_INVALID_STRUCTURE There is a unexpected pattern in the graph. Please check the input network.
XCOM_BANKASSIGN_INVALID_ITEM The item is not available yet.
XCOM_BANKASSIGN_OUT_OF_BANK_SIZE Insufficiency of bank size, input model might be too large.
XCOM_BANKASSIGN_TARGET_ENGINE_UNREGISTERED The engine is not registered for dpu target.
XCOM_BANKASSIGN_INVALID_VALUE A invalid value is given for specific function.
XCOM_BANKASSIGN_TARGET_BANK_ERR No output bank associated with current op within target DPU.
XCOM_BANKASSIGN_BANK_UNEXPECTED_STATE Bank space manager might be in disorder.
XCOM_BANKASSIGN_OP_INVALID_BLOB_NUMBER Blob number of the operator is invalid. Please check the input network.
XCOM_BANKASSIGN_BANK_INFO_MISMATCH Bank requirement mismatch between 2 ops.
XCOM_PARTITION_GRAPH_INVALID_STRUCTURE There is a unexpected pattern in the graph. Please check the input network.
XCOM_PARTITION_NULL_POINTER Accessing of uninitialized object or pointer
XCOM_DDRALLOC_NULL_POINTER Accessing of uninitialized object or pointer.
XCOM_DDRALLOC_UNEXPECTED_STATE A impossible state occurs. There might be a logical error of programming.
XCOM_DDRALLOC_INVALID_ITEM Failed to get a available scheme of bank assignment.
XCOM_DDRALLOC_ITEM_UNDEFINED The item has not be defined.
XCOM_DDRALLOC_DATA_SIZE_MISMATCH Size mismatch between 2 data chunk.
XCOM_DDRALLOC_OUT_OF_MEM DDR space is not enough for current model.
XCOM_DDRALLOC_FEATURE_UNIMPLEMENT The feature of DDR allocating optimization is not implemented.
XCOM_DDRALLOC_OPERATION_DENIED The operation is not permitted.
XCOM_DDRALLOC_TARGET_UNIMPLEMENTED The target has not been implemented yet.
XCOM_DDRALLOC_ASSIGNMENT_STATE_ERROR The state of DDR allocation is unexpected.
XCOM_DDRALLOC_PARAM_SPACE_INITIALIZTION_SIZE_ERROR DDR parameter space initialization size error. Please contact us.
XCOM_DDRALLOC_GRAPH_LEVEL_MISMATCH A unsuitable level of graph is given for current function.
XCOM_DDRALLOC_GRAPH_OP_MISSING The op is missing in specific graph.
XCOM_DDRALLOC_GRAPH_INVALID_STRUCTURE There is a unexpected pattern in the graph. Please check the input network.
XCOM_DDRALLOC_OP_UNSUPPORTED The operator has not been implemented by target DPU.
XCOM_DDRALLOC_OP_UNSUPPORTED_MODE The mode has not been implemented for specific operator.
XCOM_DDRALLOC_OP_INVALID_BLOB_NUMBER Blob number of the operator is invalid. Please check the input network.
XCOM_DDRALLOC_OP_UNSUPPORTED_NONLIEAR_TYPE The nonlinear(or activation) is unsupported by target DPU
XCOM_DDRALLOC_TENSOR_DIMS_MISMATCH Dimensions of the tensor is unexpected.
XCOM_DDRALLOC_TENSOR_SHAPE_MISMATCH Shape mismatch between 2 correlative tensors.
XCOM_DDRALLOC_TENSOR_SIZE_ERROR Size of the tensor is invalid. Please check input network.
XCOM_DDRALLOC_TENSOR_SIZE_MISMATCH Size mismatch between 2 correlative tensors.
VAILIB_DPU_TASK_NOT_FIND Model files not find
VAILIB_DPU_TASK_CONFIG_PARSE_ERROR Parse model config file failed
VAILIB_DPU_TASK_TENSORS_EMPTY Runner has no input tensors
VAILIB_CPU_RUNNER_OPEN_LIB_ERROR dlopen can not open lib
VAILIB_CPU_RUNNER_LOAD_LIB_SYM_ERROR dlsym load symbol error
VAILIB_CPU_RUNNER_TENSOR_BUFFER_NOT_FIND Can not find tensor buffer with this name
VAILIB_CPU_RUNNER_CPU_OP_NOT_FIND Can not find op with this name
VAILIB_GRAPH_RUNNER_NOT_FIND GraphTask can not find tensor or tensor buffer
VAILIB_GRAPH_RUNNER_DPU_BATCH_ERROR GraphTask get dpu batch not equal
VAILIB_GRAPH_RUNNER_NOT_SUPPORT The function or value are not supported in graph runner
VAILIB_GRAPH_RUNNER_NOT_OVERRIDE The function has not been overridden
VAILIB_MATH_NOT_SUPPORT The function or value are not supported in vai-math
VAILIB_MATH_FIX_POS_ERROR Softmax table not support the fix position value
VAILIB_MODEL_CONFIG_NOT_FIND Model config info not find
VAILIB_MODEL_CONFIG_OPEN_ERROR Model config file or directory open error
VAILIB_MODEL_CONFIG_CONFIG_PARSE_ERROR Model config file parse error
VAILIB_BENCHMARK_LIST_EMPTY Can not found images. List of images are empty
VAILIB_DEMO_CANVAS_ERROR Canvas image size is too small
VAILIB_DEMO_GST_ERROR Failed to open gstreamer
VAILIB_DEMO_OUT_OF_BOUNDARY Gui rects out of boundary
VAILIB_DEMO_VIDEO_OPEN_ERROR Cannot open video stream
VART_OPEN_DEVICE_FAIL Cannot open device
VART_LOAD_XCLBIN_FAIL Bitstream download failed
VART_LOCK_DEVICE_FAIL Cannot lock device
VART_FUNC_NOT_SUPPORT Function not support
VART_TENSOR_INFO_ERROR Tensor info error
VART_SYSTEM_ERROR File system error
VART_OUT_OF_RANGE Array index out of range
VART_SIZE_MISMATCH Array size not match
VART_XRT_FUNC_FAULT XRT function fault
VART_XRM_CREATE_CONTEXT_ERROR failed to create XRM context
VART_XRM_CONNECT_ERROR Failed to connect to XRM
VART_DEVICE_BUFFER_ALLOC_ERROR Cannot alloc device buffer -- unknown datatype
VART_XCLBIN_READ_ERROR Failed to open xclbin file for reading
VART_XCLBIN_DOWNLOAD_ERROR Bitstream download failed !
VART_CONTROLLER_VIR_MEMORY_ALLOC_ERROR not enough virtual space on host
VART_VERSION_MISMATCH_ERROR subgraph's version is mismatch with xclbin
VART_DEVICE_MEMORY_ALLOC_ERROR Device memory not enough, alloc fail
VART_TENSOR_BUFFER_INVALID invalid tensorbuffer input or output
VART_XCLBIN_PATH_INVALID xclbinPath is not set, consider setting XLNX_VART_FIRMWARE.
VART_GRAPH_FINGERPRINT_ERROR no hardware info in subgraph
VART_TENSOR_BUFFER_CHECK_ERROR TensorBuffer size less than offset, input shape invalid
VART_TENSOR_BUFFER_DIMS_ERROR input dims shape is invalid
XIR_ACCESS_ADDRESS_OVERFLOW The address you try to access does not exsit!
XIR_ADD_OP_FAIL Failed to add an op!
XIR_FILE_NOT_EXIST File doesn’t exist!
XIR_INTERNAL_ERROR it is an internal bug supposed never happen
XIR_INVALID_ARG_OCCUR Invalid arg occurrence!
XIR_INVALID_ATTR_DEF Invalid attribute definition!
XIR_INVALID_ATTR_OCCUR Invalid attr occurrence!
XIR_INVALID_DATA_TYPE The data type is invalid.
XIR_MEANINGLESS_VALUE The value you set for this parameter makes no sense.
XIR_MULTI_DEFINED_OP Multiple definition of OP!
XIR_MULTI_DEFINED_TENSOR Multiple definition of Tensor!
XIR_MULTI_REGISTERED_ARG Multiple registration of argument!
XIR_MULTI_REGISTERED_ATTR Multiple registration of attribute!
XIR_MULTI_REGISTERED_EXPANDED_ATTR Multiple registration of static attr!
XIR_MULTI_REGISTERED_OP Multiple registration of operator!
XIR_OPERATION_FAILED Fail to execute command!
XIR_OP_DEF_SHAPE_HINT_MISSING A shape hint is required by the op definition
XIR_OP_NAME_CONFLICT There are at least two ops assigned the same name, check the ops' name.
XIR_OUT_OF_RANGE idx out of range!
XIR_PROTECTED_MEMORY The content in protected momory for tensor can not be modified!
XIR_READ_PB_FAILURE failed to read pb file
XIR_REMOVE_OP_FAIL Failed to remove an op!
XIR_SHAPE_UNMATCH The shape is unmatching.
XIR_SUBGRAPH_ALREADY_CREATED_ROOT Already created root subgraph for the graph!
XIR_SUBGRAPH_HAS_CYCLE Children from a same subgraph depend each other!
XIR_SUBGRAPH_INVALID_MERGE_REQUEST_NONCHILD Cannot merge subgraphs which are not children!
XIR_SUBGRAPH_INVALID_MERGE_REQUEST_NONLEAF Cannot merge subgraphs which are not leaves!
XIR_UNDEFINED_ATTR Undefined attribute!
XIR_UNDEFINED_INPUT_ARG Undefined input arg!
XIR_UNDEFINED_OP Access undefined OP!
XIR_UNEQUIVALENT_ATTRIBUTE These two attributes/parameters are not equivalent.
XIR_UNEXPECTED_VALUE Unexpected value!
XIR_UNKNOWNTYPE_TENSOR The datatype of this tensor is not specified.
XIR_UNREGISTERED_ARG Unregistered argument!
XIR_UNREGISTERED_ATTR Unregistered attribute!
XIR_UNREGISTERED_OP Unregistered operator!
XIR_UNSUPPORTED_ROUND_MODE unsupported round mode.
XIR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE unsupported data type for attr value
XIR_VALUE_UNMATCH Value unmatch!
XIR_WRITE_PB_FAILURE failed to write pb file
TARGET_EXPLORER_XCLBIN_ENV_ERROR DPU xclbin path specified by ‘XLNX_VART_FIRMWARE’ not exist, check!
TARGET_EXPLORER_XCLBIN_ENV_VAL_ERROR ‘XLNX_VART_FIRMWARE’ need to be specified like /path/to/xxx.xclbin, check!
TARGET_EXPLORER_XCLBIN_SET_ERROR xclbinPath is not set, consider setting XLNX_VART_FIRMWARE.
TARGET_EXPLORER_NO_DPU_ERROR xclbin is not for DPU, can't find DPU kernel in xclbin
TARGET_EXPLORER_BATCH_ERROR Only support multiple DPU cores with same batch and fingerprint
TARGET_EXPLORER_DEVICE_CHECK_ERROR No device available for current xclbin
TARGET_FACTORY_INVALID_FEATURE_CODE Invalid target feature code!
TARGET_FACTORY_MULTI_REGISTERED_TARGET Multiple registration of target!
TARGET_FACTORY_PARSE_TARGET_FAIL Fail to parse target from prototxt!