CMS_OP_CARD_INFO_REQ (0x04) - 4.0 English - PG348

Alveo Card Management Solution Subsystem Product Guide (PG348)

Document ID
Release Date
4.0 English
Table 1. CMS_OP_CARD_INFO_REQ (0x04) Message Format
MAILBOX Offset 32-bit Word Field Type Field Description
0x00 [0]

Host Request Message

CMS Response Message

Message Header

31:24 Opcode (0x4)

23:12 Reserved

11:0 CMS response length in bytes

0x04-end [1:end] CMS Response Message Response payload

Card information is packed as an array of uint8s. Each card information field is defined as <Key><Length><Payload>. See Table 2 for more details.

Table 2. CMS_OP_CARD_INFO_REQ (0x04) Card Information Sensor ID
Sensor ID Name


Length Payload
SNSR_ID_CARD_SN 0x21 Variable (n) n-1 characters ASCII Text + termination string 0x00
SNSR_ID_MAC_ADDRESS0 0x22 0x12 17 characters ASCII Text + termination string 0x00
SNSR_ID_MAC_ADDRESS1 0x23 0x12 17 characters ASCII Text + termination string 0x00
SNSR_ID_MAC_ADDRESS2 0x24 0x12 17 characters ASCII Text + termination string 0x00
SNSR_ID_MAC_ADDRESS3 0x25 0x12 17 characters ASCII Text + termination string 0x00
SNSR_ID_CARD_REV 0x26 Variable (n) n-1 characters ASCII Text + termination string 0x00
SNSR_ID_CARD_NAME 0x27 Variable (n) n-1 characters ASCII Text + termination string 0x00
SNSR_ID_SAT_VERSION 0x28 Variable (n) n-1 characters ASCII Text + termination string 0x00

0x00 = 75W

0x01 = 150W

0x02 = 225W

0x04 = 300W


0x00 = Slave_Serial_x1

0x01 = Slave_Select_Map_x8

0x02 = Slave_Map_x16

0x03 = Slave_Select_Map_x32

0x04 = JTag_Boundary_Scan_x1

0x05 = Master_SPI_x1

0x06 = Master_SPI_x2

0x07 = Master_SPI_x4

0x08 = Master_SPI_x8

0x09 = Master_BPI_x8

0x0a = Master_BPI_x16

0x0b = Master_Serial_x1

0x0c = Master_Select_Map_x8

0x0d = Master_Select_Map_x16


Byte 1: Number of contiguous MAC addresses.

Byte 2: Reserved.

Bytes 3-8: Hex value of the first MAC address.

SNSR_ID_CAGE_TYPE_00 0x50 0x1

0x00 = QSFP/QSFP+

0x01 = DSFP

0x02 = SFP/SFP+

SNSR_ID_CAGE_TYPE_01 0x51 0x1

0x00 = QSFP/QSFP+

0x01 = DSFP

0x02 = SFP/SFP+

SNSR_ID_CAGE_TYPE_02 0x52 0x1

0x00 = QSFP/QSFP+

0x01 = DSFP

0x02 = SFP/SFP+

SNSR_ID_CAGE_TYPE_03 0x53 0x1

0x00 = QSFP/QSFP+

0x01 = DSFP

0x02 = SFP/SFP+

Table 3. CMS_OP_CARD_INFO_REQ (0x04) Worked Example
Host Action Function
Peek 0x28018 Check mailbox availability by confirming CONTROL_REG[5] is 0.
Poke 0x29000 0x04000000 Write request message header into MAILBOX Word 0 (Opcode).

Assumes HOST_MSG_OFFSET_REG = 0x1000.

Poke 0x28018 0x20 Set CONTROL_REG[5] to 1 to indicate a new request message available.
Peek 0x28018 Poll CONTROL_REG bit 5 until ‘0’ is received indicating CMS Response is available.
Peek 0x28304 Confirm no errors in HOST_MSG_ERR_REG.
Peek 0x29000 Read header bits 11:0 to determine the number of bytes in CMS Response payload.
Peek 0x29004-end Read the card information data and decode each key-length-payload field. See Figure 1 and Figure 2 for more details.
Figure 1. Card Information
Figure 2. Legacy MAC Address Response Example