Instruction Format - 1.0 English - PG323

DSP Macro LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG323)

Document ID
Release Date
1.0 English

The instructions are case insensitive and ignore spaces between operands. The left side of the arithmetic expression, P=, is implicitly declared and should not be specified.

Table 1. Instruction Formats
Valid Operands D, A, ACIN, B, BCIN, CONCAT, C, PCIN, CARRYIN, CARRYCASCIN, 0 Note that the CONCAT port is the concatenation of the A and B ports, used when the DSP is used as an adder. This is sometimes referred to as A:B in DSP opmodes.
Valid Operators +, -, *, >>17 | >>23 The >>17 operator targets the DSP48 17-bit wire shift; valid only for P and PCIN operators and not valid for VersalĀ® devices. In Versal devices, this becomes a 23-bit wire shift and the operator changes to >>23, targeting the DSP58 23-bit wire shift.
Valid Functions rndsimple, rndsym, rndmacc Rounding functions require that the P output width is less than full precision. See Supported Functions for further details.