The pipeline depths of the various input paths are specified on this page.
- Pipeline Options
- Specifies the pipeline method to be used: Automatic, By Tier and Expert.
- Custom Pipeline options
- Specifies the pipeline depth of the various input paths.
- Tier 1 to 6
- When By Tier has been selected for Pipeline Options, these parameters are used to enable/disable the registers across all the input paths for a given pipeline stage. Some restrictions are enforced.
- Individual registers
- When Expert has been selected for the Pipeline Options, these parameters are used to enable/disable individual register stages. Some restrictions are enforced.
See Detailed Pipeline Implementation for further details on how the various pipeline stages relate to the core implementation.
- Control Ports
- CE
- Global check box: enables a single CE pin for all registers in the core.
- Global check box: enables a single SCLR pin for all registers in the core.