Pipeline Options Page - 1.0 English - PG323

DSP Macro LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG323)

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1.0 English
The pipeline depths of the various input paths are specified on this page.
Pipeline Options
Specifies the pipeline method to be used: Automatic, By Tier and Expert.
Custom Pipeline options
Specifies the pipeline depth of the various input paths.
Tier 1 to 6
When By Tier has been selected for Pipeline Options, these parameters are used to enable/disable the registers across all the input paths for a given pipeline stage. Some restrictions are enforced.
When P has been specified in an expression, tier 6 is forced, as asynchronous feedback is not supported.
Individual registers
When Expert has been selected for the Pipeline Options, these parameters are used to enable/disable individual register stages. Some restrictions are enforced.
The P register is forced when P has been specified in an expression. Asynchronous feedback is not supported.

See Detailed Pipeline Implementation for further details on how the various pipeline stages relate to the core implementation.

Control Ports
Global check box: enables a single CE pin for all registers in the core.
D, A, B, CONCAT, C, M, P, SEL/CARRYIN check boxes: enable individual CE pins for all enabled registers in the core.
Global check box: enables a single SCLR pin for all registers in the core.
D, A, B, CONCAT, C, M, P, SEL/CARRYIN checkboxes: enable an individual SCLR pin for each datapath.