The following table shows the relationship between the fields in the Vivado® IDE and the user parameters (which can be viewed in the Tcl Console).
Vivado IDE Parameter | User Parameter | Default Value |
Show Filtered | show_filtered | False |
Instructions: 0 | instruction1 | A*B+C |
Instructions: 1 | instruction2 | # |
Instructions: 2 | instruction3 | # |
Instructions: 3 | instruction4 | # |
Instructions: 4 | instruction5 | # |
Instructions: 5 | instruction6 | # |
Instructions: 6 | instruction7 | # |
Instructions: 7 | instruction8 | # |
Instructions: 8-63 | instruction_list | # |
Pipeline Options | pipeline_options | Automatic |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: 1 | tier_1 | False |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: 2 | tier_2 | False |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: 3 | tier_3 | False |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: 4 | tier_4 | False |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: 5 | tier_5 | False |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: 6 | tier_6 | False |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: D: 1 | dreg_1 | False |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: D: 2 | dreg_2 | False |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: D: 3 | dreg_3 | True |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: A: 1 | areg_1 | False |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: A: 2 | areg_2 | False |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: A: 3 | areg_3 | True |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: A: 4 | areg_4 | True |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: B: 1 | breg_1 | False |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: B: 2 | breg_2 | False |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: B: 3 | breg_3 | True |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: B: 4 | breg_4 | True |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: C: 1 | creg_1 | False |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: C: 2 | creg_2 | False |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: C: 3 | creg_3 | True |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: C: 4 | creg_4 | True |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: C: 5 | creg_5 | True |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: CONCAT: 3 | concatreg_3 | False |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: CONCAT: 4 | concatreg_4 | False |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: CONCAT: 5 | concatreg_5 | False |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: SEL: 1 | opreg_1 | False |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: SEL: 1 | opreg_2 | False |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: SEL: 1 | opreg_3 | False |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: SEL: 1 | opreg_4 | False |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: SEL: 1 | opreg_5 | False |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: CARRYIN: 1 | cinreg_1 | False |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: CARRYIN : 2 | cinreg_2 | False |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: CARRYIN : 3 | cinreg_3 | False |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: CARRYIN : 4 | cinreg_4 | False |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: CARRYIN : 5 | cinreg_5 | False |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: CARRYIN : 5 | mreg_5 | True |
Custom Pipeline options: Tier: B: 5 | preg_6 | True |
Input Port Properties: D | d_width | 18 |
Input Port Properties: A | a_width | 18 |
Input Port Properties: B | b_width | 18 |
Input Port Properties: CONCAT | concat_width | 48 |
Input Port Properties: C | c_width | 48 |
Output Properties | output_properties | Full_Precision |
Output Port Properties: Width | p_width | 48 |
Use CARRYOUT | has_carryout | False |
Use ACOUT | has_acout | False |
Use BCOUT | has_bcout | False |
Use Squaring | has_square | False |
Use CARRYCASCOUT | has_carrycascout | False |
Use PCOUT | has_pcout | False |
Control Ports: CE : Global | has_ce | False |
Control Ports: CE : D | has_d_ce | False |
Control Ports: CE : A | has_a_ce | False |
Control Ports: CE : B | has_b_ce | False |
Control Ports: CE : C | has_c_ce | False |
Control Ports: CE : CONCAT | has_concat_ce | False |
Control Ports: CE : M | has_m_ce | False |
Control Ports: CE : P | has_p_ce | False |
Control Ports: CE : SEL/CARRYIN | has_sel_ce | False |
Control Ports: SCLR : Global | has_sclr | False |
Control Ports: SCLR : D | has_d_sclr | False |
Control Ports: SCLR : A | has_a_sclr | False |
Control Ports: SCLR : B | has_b_sclr | False |
Control Ports: SCLR : C | has_c_sclr | False |
Control Ports: SCLR : CONCAT | has_concat_sclr | False |
Control Ports: SCLR : M | has_m_sclr | False |
Control Ports: SCLR : P | has_p_sclr | False |
Control Ports: SCLR : SEL/CARRYIN | has_sel_sclr | False |