Port Descriptions - 1.0 English - PG323

DSP Macro LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG323)

Document ID
Release Date
1.0 English

The core signal ports are shown in the following table.

Table 1. Core Signal Pinout
Port Name I/O Description
CLK 1 I Clock – active rising edge.
CE I Clock Enable – core clock enable (active-High).
SCLR I Synchronous Clear – synchronous reset (active-High). Asserting SCLR synchronously with CLK resets all registers. SCLR has priority over CE.
D [d_width-1:0] I D port – primary input to DSP Slice pre-adder. The maximum d_width is 25 bits for 7 series devices and 27 bits for UltraScale™ and Versal® devices.
A [a_width-1:0] I A port – input to DSP Slice multiplier and secondary input (subtrahend) to pre-adder. The maximum a_width is 25 bits for 7 series devices and 27 bits for UltraScale and Versal devices.
ACIN [ac_width:0] I Cascaded A port – used as per the A port but must be driven by the ACOUT of the previous DSP Slice, avoids routing and logic. Static selection between A and ACIN is made by the specified DSP Macro instructions. The maximum ac_width is 25 bits for 7 series devices and 27 bits for UltraScale and Versal devices, signed-extended to 30 bits for UltraScale and to 34 bits for Versal.
B [b_width-1:0] I

B port – second input to multiplier.

Maximum b_width: 18 bits for 7 series and UltraScale devices and 24 bits for Versal devices.

BCIN [bcin_width-1:0] I

Cascaded B port. Must be driven by the BCOUT of the previous DSP Slice. Static selection between B and BCIN.

Fixed bcin_width: 18 bits for 7 series and UltraScale devices and 24 bits for Versal devices.



I CONCAT port – concatenation of the A and B DSP Slice inputs. Input to second stage add/sub. The CONCAT port cannot be used with instructions which use the A, B, or D ports because the DSP must be in one of two mutually exclusive modes. In the first, A:B is considered a single input of 48 bits and goes to the DSP post-adder. In the other, A, B, and D are inputs to the preadder and multiplier. You cannot mix instructions which use CONCAT with others which use A, B, or D.
Note: The CONCAT input is one of two to the addsub in the DSP. The other input has to be one of P, C, PCIN inputs, or zero.
C [c_width-1:0] I

C port – input to DSP Slice add/sub.

Maximum c_width: 48 bits for 7 series and UltraScale devices and 58 bits for Versal devices.

PCIN [pcin_width-1:0] I

PCIN port – cascaded P input from the previous DSP Slice. Input to add/sub. Avoids device routing and provides a low latency path.

Fixed pcin_width: 48 bits for 7 series and UltraScale devices and 58 bits for Versal devices.

CARRYIN I CARRYIN port – carry input from device logic, single bit.
CARRYCASCIN I CARRYCASCIN port - cascaded carry input from the previous DSP Slice. Can be used to construct large adders.
SEL [sel_width-1:0] I

SEL port - selects from the enumerated list of instructions specified in the core user interface. Unsigned.

Fixed sel_width: ceil(log2(num_instructions))

CED1..3 I Clock enables for D path registers (active-High)
CEA1..4 I Clock enables for A path registers (active-High)
CEB1..4 I Clock enables for B path registers (active-High)
CECONCAT3..5 I Clock enables for CONCAT path registers (active-High)
CEC1..5 I Clock enables for C path registers (active-High)
CEM I Clock enables for M path registers (active-High)
CEP I Clock enables for P path registers (active-High)
CESEL1..5 I Clock enables for SEL path registers (active-High)
SCLRD I Synchronous reset for D path registers (active-High)
SCLRA I Synchronous reset for A path registers (active-High)
SCLRB I Synchronous reset for B path registers (active-High)
SCLRCONCAT I Synchronous reset for CONCAT path registers (active-High)
SCLRC I Synchronous reset for C path registers (active-High)
SCLRM I Synchronous reset for M path registers (active-High)
SCLRP I Synchronous reset for P path registers (active-High)
SCLRSEL I Synchronous reset for SEL path registers (active-High)
P [p_msb-p_lsb:0] 1 O

P port - output from DSP Slice add/sub, provides the result of the selected instruction.

Maximum p_msb: 47 bits for 7 series and UltraScale devices and 57 bits for Versal devices

Note: p_msb and p_lsb are derived from the Output Port Properties; Full Precision Width and Width. See Implementation for more details.
CARRYOUT O CARRYOUT port - carryout to device logic from add/sub.
ACOUT [ac_width-1:0] O ACOUT port - optional cascade A output, ac_width defined for ACIN.
BCOUT [bc_width-1:0] O BCOUT port - optional cascade B output, bc_width defined for BCIN.
PCOUT [pc_width-1:0] O PCOUT port - optional cascade P output, pc_width defined for PCIN.
CARRYCASCOUT O CARRYCASCOUT port - optional cascade carryout output.
  1. All signals are optional with the exception of CLK and P[p_msb-p_lsb:0].