The core signal ports are shown in the following table.
Port Name | I/O | Description |
CLK 1 | I | Clock – active rising edge. |
CE | I | Clock Enable – core clock enable (active-High). |
SCLR | I | Synchronous Clear – synchronous reset (active-High). Asserting SCLR synchronously with CLK resets all registers. SCLR has priority over CE. |
D [d_width-1:0] | I | D port – primary input to DSP Slice pre-adder. The maximum d_width is 25 bits for 7 series devices and 27 bits for UltraScale™ and Versal® devices. |
A [a_width-1:0] | I | A port – input to DSP Slice multiplier and secondary input (subtrahend) to pre-adder. The maximum a_width is 25 bits for 7 series devices and 27 bits for UltraScale and Versal devices. |
ACIN [ac_width:0] | I | Cascaded A port – used as per the A port but must be driven by the ACOUT of the previous DSP Slice, avoids routing and logic. Static selection between A and ACIN is made by the specified DSP Macro instructions. The maximum ac_width is 25 bits for 7 series devices and 27 bits for UltraScale and Versal devices, signed-extended to 30 bits for UltraScale and to 34 bits for Versal. |
B [b_width-1:0] | I |
B port – second input to multiplier. Maximum b_width: 18 bits for 7 series and UltraScale devices and 24 bits for Versal devices. |
BCIN [bcin_width-1:0] | I |
Cascaded B port. Must be driven by the BCOUT of the previous DSP Slice. Static selection between B and BCIN. Fixed bcin_width: 18 bits for 7 series and UltraScale devices and 24 bits for Versal devices. |
CONCAT [concat_width-1:0] |
I | CONCAT port – concatenation of the A and B DSP Slice inputs. Input to second stage add/sub. The
CONCAT port cannot be used with instructions which use the A, B, or D ports because
the DSP must be in one of two mutually exclusive modes. In the first, A:B is
considered a single input of 48 bits and goes to the DSP post-adder. In the other,
A, B, and D are inputs to the preadder and multiplier. You cannot mix instructions
which use CONCAT with others which use A, B, or D. Note: The CONCAT input is one of two to the addsub in the DSP. The
other input has to be one of P, C, PCIN inputs, or zero.
C [c_width-1:0] | I |
C port – input to DSP Slice add/sub. Maximum c_width: 48 bits for 7 series and UltraScale devices and 58 bits for Versal devices. |
PCIN [pcin_width-1:0] | I |
PCIN port – cascaded P input from the previous DSP Slice. Input to add/sub. Avoids device routing and provides a low latency path. Fixed pcin_width: 48 bits for 7 series and UltraScale devices and 58 bits for Versal devices. |
CARRYIN | I | CARRYIN port – carry input from device logic, single bit. |
CARRYCASCIN | I | CARRYCASCIN port - cascaded carry input from the previous DSP Slice. Can be used to construct large adders. |
SEL [sel_width-1:0] | I |
SEL port - selects from the enumerated list of instructions specified in the core user interface. Unsigned. Fixed sel_width: ceil(log2(num_instructions)) |
CED1..3 | I | Clock enables for D path registers (active-High) |
CEA1..4 | I | Clock enables for A path registers (active-High) |
CEB1..4 | I | Clock enables for B path registers (active-High) |
CECONCAT3..5 | I | Clock enables for CONCAT path registers (active-High) |
CEC1..5 | I | Clock enables for C path registers (active-High) |
CEM | I | Clock enables for M path registers (active-High) |
CEP | I | Clock enables for P path registers (active-High) |
CESEL1..5 | I | Clock enables for SEL path registers (active-High) |
SCLRD | I | Synchronous reset for D path registers (active-High) |
SCLRA | I | Synchronous reset for A path registers (active-High) |
SCLRB | I | Synchronous reset for B path registers (active-High) |
SCLRCONCAT | I | Synchronous reset for CONCAT path registers (active-High) |
SCLRC | I | Synchronous reset for C path registers (active-High) |
SCLRM | I | Synchronous reset for M path registers (active-High) |
SCLRP | I | Synchronous reset for P path registers (active-High) |
SCLRSEL | I | Synchronous reset for SEL path registers (active-High) |
P [p_msb-p_lsb:0] 1 | O |
P port - output from DSP Slice add/sub, provides the result of the selected instruction. Maximum p_msb: 47 bits for 7 series and UltraScale devices and 57 bits for Versal devices Note: p_msb and p_lsb are derived from the Output Port
Properties; Full Precision Width and Width. See Implementation for more
CARRYOUT | O | CARRYOUT port - carryout to device logic from add/sub. |
ACOUT [ac_width-1:0] | O | ACOUT port - optional cascade A output, ac_width defined for ACIN. |
BCOUT [bc_width-1:0] | O | BCOUT port - optional cascade B output, bc_width defined for BCIN. |
PCOUT [pc_width-1:0] | O | PCOUT port - optional cascade P output, pc_width defined for PCIN. |
CARRYCASCOUT | O | CARRYCASCOUT port - optional cascade carryout output. |